COMMUNITY TOOLS:     Natural Resources Inventories and Wildlife

Epping mapThe Wildlife section of a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) provides an opportunity to focus on important wildlife habitats and the associated species. The NRI identifies and describes important naturally-occurring resources in an area, provides the basis for land conservation planning, allows natural resources information to be included in local planning and zoning, and provides communities with a strong foundation for informed decision-making. The NH Wildlife Action Plan is a valuable source of information about wildlife and habitats that can be easily incorporated into an NRI.

At the minimum, your community should have the basic set of NRI maps. The Table of Basic NRI Maps provides a list of these maps and their data requirements.

Sample NRI maps for Epping, NH:

The steps outlined below can help you incorporate the latest wildlife research and data into your NRI.

1.    Obtain Wildlife Action Plan maps for your community or region

  • Town maps on NH Fish & Game's web site  Print small scale maps for your town (two sizes/formats).
  • GRANITView Mapper - use this to create 8.5 x 11 size wildlife maps and other NRI maps.
  • GRANIT - NH's on-line GIS clearinghouse for GIS users to obtain the wildlife data (or contact NH Fish and Game's Wildlife Division for a CD with this data).
  • Large scale (poster size) maps - can be obtained through your GIS provider or Regional Planning Commission

2.    Review the Wildlife Action Plan maps for your community or region

3.    Review the Wildlife Action Plan Chapters and Appendices

4.    Review Rare Plants and Wildlife Information

5.    Compile wildlife information for the NRI report

  • Community Stories provides examples of community NRIs that include wildlife sections based on Wildlife Action Plan data. Review these reports to get ideas for writing up the Wildlife section of your NRI.

6.    Conduct Public Outreach to Publicize the NRI

  • Public Outreach and Wildlife Habitat shows how you can build public support for your NRI. Involve the public early on and provide opportunities for public input. Keep local residents and decision makers informed about progress with your NRI through press releases, events, etc.

7.    Use the NRI to develop a Conservation Plan


Additional Resources for the Wildlife section of your NRI: