Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire is a cooperative effort of the steering committee, technical teams, and two hundred landowners, foresters, loggers, and others who reviewed and commented on interim drafts. The Forests Sustainability Standards Work Team created the foundation with the first edition of Good Forestry.

Good Forestry in the Granite State Steering Committee

Will Abbott, Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests, committee vice-chair
Karen Bennett, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, project manager
Bob Bradbury, LandVest, Inc.
Emily Brunkhurst, N.H. Fish and Game Dept.
Philip Bryce, Fountains America, committee chair
Susan Cox, USDA Forest Service, NA State and Private Forestry
Ken Desmarais, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Kristina Ferrare, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Will Guinn, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Geoff Jones, N.H. Association of Conservation Commissions and Loveland Forestry
Don Kent, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
Bill Leak, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Rick Lessard, N.H. Timber Harvesting Council
Linda Magoon, N.H. Dept. of Environmental Services, Water Division
Chris Mattrick, USDA Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest
Dave Publicover, Appalachian Mountain Club
Brad Simpkins, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Will Staats, N.H. Fish and Game Dept.
Jasen Stock, N.H. Timberland Owners Association
Matt Tarr, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Dave Tellman, landowner and Tree Farmer
Dick Weyrick, Granite State Division of the Society of American Foresters
Mariko Yamasaki, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Mark Zankel, The Nature Conservancy, N.H. Chapter

Technical Teams

Phil Auger, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Doug Bechtel, The Nature Conservancy, N.H. Chapter
Pete Bowman, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
Charles Bridges, N.H. Fish and Game Dept.
Jack Bronnenberg, Bronnenberg Logging and Trucking, LLC
Sara Cairns, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
Emma Carcagno, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Melissa Coppola, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
Doug Cygan, N.H. Dept. of Agriculture
Dave Falkenham, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Peter Farrell, New England Forestry Consultants
Andrew Fast, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Carol Foss, N.H. Audubon
Chuck Hersey, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Linda Heath, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Joseph Homer, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Ben Kimball, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
John Lanier, Wildlife Management Institute
Kyle Lombard, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Jeff Lougee, The Nature Conservancy, N.H. Chapter
John Magee, N.H. Fish and Game Dept.
William Nichols, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau, Division of Forests and Lands
Roger Monthey, USDA Forest Service, NA State and Private Forestry
Charlie Moreno, Moreno Forestry Associates
Steve Roberge, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Don Quigley, University of New Hampshire Thompson School of Applied Science
Bob Spoerl, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Dennis Souto, USDA Forest Service, NA State and Private Forestry
Sarah Smith, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Dan Stepanauskas, Northern Forest Resources
Tanya Tellman, landowner
Jessica Veasey, University of New Hampshire
Steven Weber, N.H. Fish and Game Dept.

Additional review was provided by Dan Cyr, Bay State Forestry Services; Ann Davis, landowner; and Ed Witt, Madison Lumber Mill.

Forest Sustainability Standards Work Team (authored the first edition)

Phil Auger, Philip Bryce, Chip Chapman, J.B. Cullen, Gary Donovan, Bob Eckert, Steve Fay, Carol Foss, Susan Francher, Geoff Jones, Eric Kingsley, John Lanier, Bill Leak, Don Merski, Tom Miner, Frank Mitchell, Steve Morton, Dave Publicover, Mike Seeger, Jamie Sayen, Tammara Van Ryn, Scot Williamson, Mariko Yamasaki

Project administration

Will Abbott, Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests, committee vice-chair
Karen Bennett, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, project manager
Philip Bryce, Fountains America, committee chair
Kristina Ferrare, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Brad Simpkins, Director, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands and State Forester


Unless noted, all illustrations by Ingeborg V. Seaboyer,

Editing and layout

Peg Boyles and Holly Young, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Jane Harper, University of New Hampshire

Cover Design

Pam Doherty, UNH Cooperative Extension