Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

hemlock woolly adelgid infestation Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA), originally from Asia, was first discovered in New Hampshire in Portsmouth in 2000. This small, wingless insect uses its piercing mouth parts to feed on small hemlock twigs. HWA, left untreated, can kill a tree in 4 to 10 years. Today there are many communities throughout the southeast and lakes region of New Hampshire with small infestations. In an effort to slow the spread of this pest, the NH Division of Forests and Lands developed an action plan, which includes a quarantine on hemlock material from all infected NH counties.

Untreated outbreaks of HWA weaken the tree an leave it susceptible to damage from other pests, such as elongate hemlock scale and hemlock borer. Therefore, maintaining trees in a healthy condition lessens damage by other pests.

The Basics and What to Do

HWA and Other Exotic Insects

Important HWA Websites

mapTowns with infestations

HWA treatment statusTreatment status (includes elongate hemlock scale)

Harvard Forest's ecologist, David Orwig, discusses threats to our native forests.

Cooperating agencies:
UNH Cooperative Extension NH Department of Ag, Markets, and Food
NH Division of Forests and Lands
Aphis logo
USDA Forest Service logo

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