communities taking action icon

The Community Action Tools help communities plan and implement projects that protect, conserve, restore or manage wildlife habitats (in side bar at left). We recommend you Start with the first three tools, which provide the foundation for the Other Tools. While the tools are offered in a suggested sequence, which tools you decide to use depends on the stage(s) your community has already completed. If you have questions about your community project, contact us!


Additional Community Resources:

Critical Habitats and Associated Species Table  (Word)

GRANITView Mapper

Habitat Stewardship Brochures  

Making Habitat Happen

NH Wildlife Action Plan 

NH Wildlife Sightings Database 

Rare Plants, Wildlife and Natural Communities by Town

Speaking for Wildlife Presentations

Wildlife Habitat Maps for NH Towns

Wildlife Action Plan Maps Town by Town

Stories - learn what other communities and landowners are doing for wildlife