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Winter banner

A partnership of NH Fish and Game and UNH Cooperative Extension 

New Hampshire's Wildlife Action Plan News and Updates 

Winter, 2010 

In This Issue
New Resources for Communities
What Landowners Can Do
Capturing Your Stories
Taking Action for Habitats
Share Your Wildlife Sightings
Quick Links



This issue of Taking Action for Wildlife brings you the new Taking Action for Wildlife web site, a cooperative venture between UNH Cooperative Extension and NH Fish and Game. Beat the winter blues, ignore the subzero temperatures, and settle comfortably at your computer to find out how you can start planning to take action to protect wildlife and their habitats. Getting there is easy... just type into your browser or click here. You will be transported to a site packed with information about critical wildlife habitats, tips and steps for what communities and landowners can do, examples of community and landowner projects, habitat management and restoration, links to related websites, and much more! While you are there, find out more about the updated NH Wildlife Sightings Database. Read the articles below to learn about the different sections of the website. 

Winter 1



New Resources for Communities and Conservation Groups!   




Communities and conservation groups across New Hampshire are increasingly taking action to protect wildlife habitats. If you're part of the action or would like to be, we've got something new for you! The new Taking Action for Wildlife web site gives communities and conservation groups an array of information, community stories, ideas and step-by-step guidance on how to effectively conserve the state's diverse wildlife. Find out how you can strengthen your community's efforts. Read More


What Can Landowners Do To Help Wildlife in New Hampshire?

Do you own land in New Hampshire?  Have you ever considered improving your property for wildlife?  Perhaps your town owns land that could be managed for wildlife habitat? The resources available to you on the Taking Action for Wildlife website will help you begin to look at your property or your town lands with wildlife in mind. The Taking Action for Wildlife website provides a wealth of tools for landowners to learn what they can do. Read More



Capturing Your Stories:  Communities and Landowners Taking Action for Wildlife



What have other communities done to protect habitats? How did they do it? What strategies are landowners using to manage, enhance and restore habitats? What can you learn from them? Read their stories at! The new website offers a place for communities and landowners to share their stories about the ways they've been Taking Action to help wildlife - in communities, in planning documents, through voluntary and regulatory means, on their own lands and more! Read More  

Taking Action For Habitats!Winterhabitat1

Pop-quiz time! 

In general, wildlife requires what to survive?

A.   Shelter, Food, Water

B.   Snow, Shelter, Food, Vegetable Gardens

C.   Human Intervention, Water, Fences

D.   Shelter, Food, Water, Smart Phone

To find the answer and more information about habitats on, Read More
NH Wildlife Sightings





Sharing Your Wildlife Sightings Online With NH Fish and Game

NH Fish and Game's on-line Wildlife Sightings Database has been updated and has a new look! We are pleased to improve the opportunity for you to share your wildlife observations with us! The updated Database will help us to gather more information on the distribution of wildlife species across NH, a goal of the Wildlife Action Plan. We invite YOU to be part of this effort! Read More

SSP Cover photo


Land Conservation Conference

Saturday April 9,  8:00am - 3:45pm 

Kearsarge Regional High School, North Sutton


Among the many workshops offered at this conference, three focus specifically on wildlife:

* Ecology and Stewardship of NH Wetlands

* Farmlands as Wildlife Habitat

* Saving the Forest for the Birds

Visit the conference website for details and to register!

Newsletter Editor:  Amanda Stone (UNH Cooperative Extension)


Photo Credits:  Frank Mitchell (Banner photo, Bobcat), Amanda Stone (Sunset, Habitat, Winter Stream), Malin Clyde (Habitat Management, Communities, Community Stories)  

Winter Finale
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University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension | Taylor Hall, UNH | 59 College Road | Durham | NH | 03824