Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire
Good Forestry in the Granite State:
Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire



Developing objectives is integral to managing forest land.

Your objectives should be driven by the reasons you own your land. (Often we use the words "goals," "objectives," and "goals and objectives" interchangeably. In this manual, we mostly use the term "objectives.")The duration of most plans is 10 years, short when compared with the life of the forest. When setting your objectives think big and long term. List all your hopes and dreams for your property. Thinking long term will help you develop short-term objectives that ensure you reach your long-term goals. Talking with UNH Cooperative Extension county foresters, other foresters, loggers, family, neighbors, and friends can help you develop your objectives.

Your objectives for the current and future use of your property should be specific. You will use your objectives to formulate recommendations that then become a course of action to accomplish these objectives. The more specific and measurable your objectives, the easier to monitor and track whether you are achieving them.

Clear objectives help you decide what actions to take and what actions to avoid. Often landowners tell foresters, “I want to do what is right for the land and make a little money.” Foresters manage land based on a landowner's objectives. Without your specific instructions, the forester (or logger) can only make decisions based on their ideas of “what is good for the land,” which may not align with your intentions. Consider your wishes for the use of your land before talking with a forester. Be prepared to adapt or revise your objectives as you learn more about your land from your research and from working with your forester.

Setting objectives will help you:

Consider and write down the answers to the following questions to help you develop objectives and priorities:


Your interest and ability to work on the land

Property Condition




Water and Soil



Cultural Resources

Other Nontimber Uses


Develop objectives to guide management plans and activities.




1.3 Forest Management Planning; 1.4 Estate Planning and Land Protection; Chapters related to individual landowner objectives.


UNH Cooperative Extension. Landowner Goals and Objective Assessment Forms. Accessed on January 28, 2010.