Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire
Good Forestry in the Granite State:
Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire



Aspen (also known as poplar or popple) stands are the preferred habitat for ruffed grouse, woodcock, Nashville warbler, beaver and other wildlife.

Although aspen is one of the most widely distributed forest types in North America, it is relatively uncommon in New Hampshire covering approximately 2 percent of the state's forest area. Aspen, including trembling aspen and big-toothed aspen, occurs chiefly as a "pioneer" forest type, often growing in close association with white birch. Pioneer types are the first to colonize disturbed areas such as burns and field edges. Big-toothed and trembling aspen are extremely intolerant of shade. They need full sunlight to grow. Disturbances such as fire or clearcutting are needed to regenerate shade-intolerant species such as aspen and white birch. In the absence of disturbance, aspen is replaced by more shade-tolerant trees, e.g., spruce, fir, white pine, or northern hardwoods.


Maintain or expand the aspen type to enhance wildlife habitat diversity.




2.1 New Hampshire Forest Types; 2.3 Regeneration Methods; 5.1 Insects and Diseases; 6.4 Overstory Inclusions; 6.6 Temporary Openings Created by Forest Management; 6.8 Beaver-Created Openings.


DeGraaf, R., M. Yamasaki, W. B. Leak, and A. M. Lester. 2006. Technical Guide to Forest Wildlife Habitat Management in New England. University of Vermont Press and University Press of New England, Burlington, Vt. 305 p.

Vermont Fish and Wildlife Dept. 1986. Model habitat guidelines for deer, bear, hare, grouse, turkey, woodcock and non-game wildlife. The Leahy Press, Montpelier, Vt. 64 p.