
Resource Category Topic Type
Best Practices for Submitting Your Soil Sample
Cooperative Extension’s soil testing service dates back to 2005. The number of samples we process averages more than 3,000 a year. The following list…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Soil Testing Forms
All forms needed for soil testing. 
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Pricing List for all Soil Test Options
In addition to the standard analyses, soil tests may be customized to meet your individual testing needs.  At the link below, you will find a…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Guide to Using Wood Ash as an Agricultural Soil Amendment
Introduction Wood ash has a long history of use in New England. Our Yankee ancestors used wood ash to make lye for soaps, to clean glass, silver…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Lead Screening for NH Soils: Minimizing Health Risks [fact sheet]
Lead is a naturally occurring element that is present in all soils at very low concentrations of less than 50 parts per million (ppm). Elevated…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Guidelines for Using Animal Manures and Manure-Based Composts in the Garden [fact sheet]
Animal manures and animal manure-based composts are rich in plant nutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) and provide…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
Organic & Natural Fertilizers for the Home Ground & Garden [fact sheet]
This Factsheet is to help home gardeners identify organic nutrient sources for use in their gardens. Use the chart to locate specific plant-based…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Understanding Your Soil Test Results [fact sheet]
What is a soil test? The soil testing lab takes your soil sample, dries it, and runs a small portion of the sample through a series of…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens Fact Sheet
What Can Be Included in Your Soil Testing Report?
UNH Cooperative Extension Soil Test Descriptions The choice of soil test methods used vary from state to state and it is important that the method…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Soil Testing for Environmental Contaminants - Interpreting Your Heavy Metals Test Results [fact sheet]
What Are Heavy Metals? Heavy metals are a class of elements that include lead, copper, arsenic, and cadmium, and can be toxic to humans and plants…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Leaf Tissue Tests for Commercial Plant Growers
For crops such as apples, blueberries, strawberries and tomatoes, leaf tissue tests can be useful in determining plant nutrient needs. For more…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Pesticide Safety Education, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens