
Resource Category Topic Type
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) [Online Recertification Course]
Image courtesy of UNH Extension - Photographer: Jill Ketchen Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Personal protection equipment, commonly…
Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
Labels and Labeling [Online Recertification Course]
Labels and Labeling Pesticide product labeling is the main method of communication between a pesticide manufacturer and pesticide users. The…
Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
A3 - Field Crops Study Materials [Commercial]
Commercial applicator category Field Crops (A3) is a subcategory of Agricultural Pest Control (A). This subcategory is intended for pesticide and…
Pesticide Safety Education, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
A2 - Herbicides Study Materials [Commercial]
Commercial applicator category Herbicides (A2) is a subcategory of Agricultural Pest Control (A). This subcategory is intended for herbicide…
Pesticide Safety Education, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
A1 - Fruit Study Materials [Commercial]
Commercial applicator category Fruit (A1) is a subcategory of Agricultural Pest Control (A). This subcategory is intended for pesticide applicators…
Pesticide Safety Education, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
Backpack Sprayer 2 [Online Recertification Course]
Online Recertification Course - Backpack Sprayer 2 Backpack sprayers are inexpensive, lightweight, easy to use, and perfectly suited to small jobs…
Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
Backpack Sprayer 1 [Online Recertification Course]
On-line Recertification Course - Backpack Sprayer 1 Backpack sprayers are inexpensive, lightweight, easy to use, and perfectly suited to small…
Agriculture & Gardens, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
Greenhouse Whitefly [fact sheet]
The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, feeds on a variety of vegetable and floral crops. Pointsettia, cucumber, tomato, lettuce,…
Pesticide Safety Education, Agriculture & Gardens Agriculture & Gardens
In Season Availability Chart
Want to know what's in season?
Farmers Markets, Health & Well-Being, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Questions for Farmers
Want to get to know your local Farmer? Here is a way to get to know your farmers by asking them a few simple questions- just print off the 10…
Farmers Markets, Health & Well-Being, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt
Bring the children along for some additional fun by printing off the Farmers' Market Scavenger Hunt Farmers Market Scavenger Hunt! Find…
Health & Well-Being, Farmers Markets, Granite State Market Match, Nutrition Connections
Simple Meal Planner Shopping List
Use this shopping list to purchase items to make the recipes collected in our Simple Meal Planner.
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Simple Meal Planner Recipes
Use these recipes as part of our Low-Cost Menu Planner. Need to buy ingredients? Be sure to check out our Simple Meal Plan Shopping List before you…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Low Cost Menu Planner
This is a sample meal plan for a week based on 2,000 calories each day. Recipes for a number of the dishes are included. Averaged over a week, this…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Get to Know Nutrition Connections
Nutrition Connections teaches families how to eat healthy and save money. We are a research-based program that works with your organization to…
Nutrition Connections, Health & Well-Being
Pruning Tomato Plants [fact sheet]
Why prune tomatoes? Pruning, or selectively removing some of the tomato plant growth, can improve harvestable yields and prolong the harvest…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Yard & Garden vegetable crops Fact Sheet
How Insecticides Work [fact sheet]
The variety of insecticides available today is much greater than it was 20 years ago. It includes some made from bacteria, insect-killing fungi or…
Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Agriculture & Gardens, Pesticide Safety Education Agriculture & Gardens
A Garden for Wildlife Resources
Websites UNH Cooperative Extension Forests, Wildlife & Trees website - NH Fish and Game website - NRCS Backyard…
Speaking for Wildlife, Natural Resources Natural Resources
What Can Be Included in Your Soil Testing Report?
UNH Cooperative Extension Soil Test Descriptions The choice of soil test methods used vary from state to state and it is important that the method…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens
Soil Testing for Environmental Contaminants - Interpreting Your Heavy Metals Test Results [fact sheet]
What Are Heavy Metals? Heavy metals are a class of elements that include lead, copper, arsenic, and cadmium, and can be toxic to humans and plants…
Agriculture & Gardens, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops, Fruit & Vegetable Crops, Soil Testing Services Agriculture & Gardens