NH Bugs

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Non-native insects and diseases
Non-native insects (and diseases) can cause more problems for trees because they lack the predators that keep native insects in check. Here are some of the "bugs" we are most worried about--think you have one of these tree insects?

Asian longhorned beetle
Hemlock woolly adelgid
Massachusetts announces quarantine to halt emerald ash borers
Click on image for larger image of elongate hemlock scale. intermediate stage red pine scale nymphs
white pine blister rust

Native Insects and Diseases Cause Problems, too.
Browse through some Common Pests of NH Trees and Forests

pine canker white pine needlecast


The Forestry Information Center can answer many of your questions. When sending an email please provide contact information (phone number and post office address) and the information you want. Or, you can send samples to one our labs:

Cooperating agencies:
UNH Cooperative Extension NH Department of Ag, Markets, and Food
NH Division of Forests and Lands
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