Saving Special Places 2024 Conference Participants Page

Saving Special Places 2024 Conference Participants Page
Click on the blue text below to access the resources

Keynote: Enock Glidden, Outdoors for All

Movie Trailer
Website, Go Beyond the Fence

Workshop Presentations & Resources

1A: Writing the Land: Communicating Conservation Through Poetry
David Govatski (Friends of Pondicherry National Wildlife Refuge), David Johnson (Southeast Land Trust of NH), Lis McLoughlin (Nature Culture/Writing the Land)

1B: Conservation Easement Conundrums
Jason Berard (Upper Valley Land Trust), Naomi Brattlof (Society for the Protection of NH Forests), Amanda Ellms (Southeast Land Trust of NH)

1C: Integrating Workforce Housing and Conservation: Case Studies from Hanover & Conway, NH and Wolcott, VT
J.T. Horn (The Trust for Public Land), Robert Houseman (Town of Hanover, NH), Abby King (The Nature Conservancy Maine), Hayden Smith (The Trust for Public Land)

1D: A Holistic Approach to Conservation Planning: Lessons from the Kittatinny Ridge in PA
Zak Brohinsky (Resilience Planning & Design), Liz Kelly (Resilience Planning & Design)

1E: Wetland Restriction Impacts on Conservation Work and Habitat Management
Phil Auger (Licensed Forester), Ed Robinson (Wildlife Biologist)

1F: Solar and Land Conservation - Can They Play Well Together?
Mark Zankel (Revision Energy)

1G: Recreational Infrastructure: Increasing Support from Recreational Users
Carrie Deegan (Society for the Protection of NH Forests), Deborah Goard (Southeast Land Trust of NH)

2A: Old-Growth Forest in New Hampshire: Biodiversity Powerhouses
David Govatski (Old Growth Forest Network)

2B: "Please Attend Our Communications Workshop" - A Communications Workshop
David Johnson (Southeast Land Trust of NH), Gal Potashnick (Canopy Consulting)

2C: Conservation Easement Refresher
Amy Manzelli (BCM Environmental & Land Law, LLC)

2D: Getting Your Conservation Lands into GRANIT
Pete Steckler (Northeast Conservation Services)

2E: Opportunity Knocks, but Only if You're Ready!
Roger Larochelle (Squam Lakes Conservation Society), Ryan Owens (Monadnock Conservancy)

2F: Managing for Climate Resilience in two New Hampshire Landscapes
Joanne Glode (The Nature Conservancy New Hampshire), Samantha Myers (Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science), Wendy Weisiger (Society for the Protection of NH Forests)

2G: Innovative Conservation Funding Opportunities through NRCS's Regional Conservation Partnership Program
Jessica Rock (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service)