Taking Action for Wildlife
Newsletter Archives

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Summer 2013


Summer 2013

- Become a Coverts Cooperator in 2013
- NHFG Nongame Program Turns 25!
- Campton Taking Action for Wildlife
- Got Bats?
- New Wildlife Research - Songbirds, Caterpillars and Exotic Shrubs


TAFW Winter 2013


Winter/Spring 2013

- NHFG Nongame Program Turns 25!  
- Saving Special Places 2013
- Taking Action for Wildlife - Bath NH (article reprinted from the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of the NH Fish and Game Dept NH Wildlife Journal magazine)
- Building an Outside Community - From Inside!
- The What, Why, How of Hiring a Forester
- Sharing Your Land with Others
Fall 2012


Fall 2012

- Young Forest: Valuable Wildlife Habitat 
- What's New on the Web?
- Discover & Explore NH's Natural Wonders
- Land Trusts Using the Wildlife Action Plan
- New Hampshire's Black Racers
- From Bunnies to Birds, Managing State Lands for Wildlife

summer 2012


Summer 2012

- Become a Coverts Cooperator in 2012
- GRANIT View Mapper
- Making Habitat Happen -Gravel Pits
- How Can You Help Our Bats?
- Taking Action in Your Own Backyard
- The Importance of Headwater Streams for Wildlife



Winter 2012

- A Dinosaur in the Woods
- Wildlife Presentations in NH Communities
- Canada Lynx in Northern NH
- Communities Taking Action for Wildlife



Fall, 2011

- Attend a Wildlife Workshop This Fall
- Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk
- Making Habitat Happen
- Land Trusts Taking Action for Wildlife
Spring 2011 newsletter Spring 2011

- New Habitat Brochures!
- NEW! Good Forestry in the Granite State
- Eric White, Coverts Cooperator
- Land Trusts Taking Action for Wildlife -
- Give Turtles a Brake!
- Join us on Facebook

Winter 2011

Winter 2011

-Launching takingactionforwildlife.org
-New Resources for Communities
-What Can Landowners do to Take Action?
-Capturing Your Stories
-Taking Action for Habitats
-Wildlife Sightings Database
-Saving Special Places 2011 Conference

Fall 2010 Fall 2010

-GRANIT Data Mapper Update
-Good Forestry in the Granite State
-Managing New England Cottontail
-Managing Land for Wildlife
-Community Stories
-Vernal Pools

newcovspring10 Spring 2010 -Wildlife Action Plan Maps by Town
-Volunteering for Wildlife
-Fields as Habitat
-Blanding's Turtles
-Marsh & Shrub Wetlands
-Caring for Family Lands
winter cover Winter 2010 -Speaking for Wildlife Program
-NH Dragonfly Survey
-Francestown Conservation
-White-nose bat syndrome
-Appalachian oak-pine forests
-GRANIT Conservation Lands Update
summer cover Summer 2009 -New England Cottontail Brochure
-NH Wildlife Online
-Effingham Puts the Wildlife Action Plan to Work
-Carl Wallman: Looking Beyond Stone Walls
-Whip-poor-will Research in NH
- Headwater Streams
winter09 Winter 2009 -Lowland Spruce-Fir Forests
-Action Plan Map Update
-New England Cottontails
-Volunteer Projects
-Bear-Paw Regional Greenways
-Dams & Wildlife
-Gilmanton Landowners put WAP to use
fall 08 Fall 2008 -White-Nose Bat Syndrome
-Floodplain Forests
-Rooting Out Invasives
spring 08 Spring 2008 -Peatlands
-Wetland Mitigation
-Salamander Surveys
-Habitat Mapping Update