K-12 Educators

Teacher Workshop: Eclipse Watching with Kids [Recorded 3/7/24]

Learn how to host an eclipse viewing party with youth. 

On April 8, 2024 New Hampshire residents will have an opportunity to see a total solar eclipse.  Join Sky Guy and UNH Astronomy Professor, John Gianforte and 4-H STEM Guy, Claes Thelemarck for this fun workshop on how to throw an eclipse party for youth.  Viewers will learn about the basic science of an eclipse, different ways to safely view an eclipse and how to make a pin hole viewer.  This workshop is for teachers, parents, 4-H leaders and other youth volunteers. 

  •  A illustration of the earth from space in a classroom 

    Firefly A illustration of the earth from space in a classroom 

Recommended Resource

The GLOBE Program is a global initiative that encourages students, teachers, and lifelong learners to explore and understand the environment. In GLOBE, learners study Earth System Science by doing their own research projects and joining campaigns led by NASA.  Supported by NASA and federal science agencies like NOAA, NSF, and DoS, GLOBE brings people together in the scientific process, promoting literacy and cooperation. 

Go to Eclipse Learning Activities and Demos