Directory of Licensed Foresters
The Directory of Licensed Foresters is an online database of foresters licensed in New Hampshire who provide services to private landowners and others. It is maintained by UNH Cooperative Extension. The names are supplied by the State of NH Board of Licensure for Foresters. Additional information is provided by the listed foresters. This listing doesn't constitute an endorsement. When selecting a forester, follow common sense business procedures and practices.
For Foresters
Any qualified forester not listed or wishing to change their information, should contact, 1-800-444-9878, or Forestry Information Center, 131 Main St, 211 Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824. Foresters can fill out an online request form to update their information by clicking here.

Foresters can receive a periodic e-newsletter from Extension Forester, Steve Roberge, addressing news of interest to New Hampshire foresters by subscribing here.
View or Print a Directory of Licensed Foresters (by county or entire state)
If you would like a hard copy of the directory mailed to you, contact Include your postal address and indicate which county or statewide version you would like.
Find a Licensed Forester
Search for a forester by last name, town, county, or by services offered. The search program searches for a last name first (if entered) then it searches for a company name or town. If no foresters match those criteria it searches for all foresters in the county with the selected criteria. If no selections are made all foresters will be listed.
Last Name:
Company Name:
Searching by Services Offered
To refine your search by services offered please select one or more of the following specialty areas. To find out more about the specialty area click on the name. The definition will appear in a pop up window. Click for a PDF listing of all the services.
Boundary Assistance Certified Foresters
Certified Soil Scientist Christmas Trees
Certified Wildlife Biologist Certified Wetland Scientist
Estate Planning Forest Stewardship Plans
Provide Assistance in Legal Matters Land Protection
NH Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Land Surveyor
Maple Syrup Enterprises Owner's Agent in Timber Sales Preparation
Purchase Standing Timber Recreational Planning Development
Tax Assistance Tree Farm Inspector
Timber Marking Tree Planting
Timber Stand Improvement Technical Service Provider
Timber Appraisal Urban Forestry Consulting
Woodland Exam Wildlife Habitat Management
Construction or Supervision of Woods Road Construction