Yard & Garden

  • house with a picket fence
  • Gloved hand digging in garden

Growing Better in New Hampshire

Our dedicated staff and volunteers provide research-based information to all residents on topics including gardening, landscapes, pests, trees, food safety, wildlife and soil.

Education Center

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Staff specialists and Master Gardeners help connect you with the resources and expertise of the University of New Hampshire. 

Tick Prevention in New England


Tick crawling on plant.

Tick crawling on plant.

As ticks and tick-borne disease continue to increase in the region, it’s incredibly important to be tick-aware. The New England Center of Excellence in Vector-borne Diseases (NEWVEC) has rolled out “Project ITCH (“Is Tick Control Helping?”). They are asking New England residents to complete a survey about tick prevention methods that you are doing to reduce tick bites and the transmission of disease. Please help them gather this important information so we are better able to identify and manage the spread of tick-borne illnesses.    

Project ITCH: “Is Tick Control Helping?” Survey

DHHS - Tickborne Diseases in New Hampshire

Getting Started with Gardening

With proper planning and care, gardening success is possible even with limited money, time and experience. Whether your goal is to grow beautiful flowers or food for your family, there are so many ways to grow a garden to fit your goals, preferences and space. In this guide, you’ll learn about selecting and preparing your growing site, garden planning, seed starting and when to plant, garden care and maintenance, pest and disease management, and of course harvesting and preservation.

vegetable garden

Access the Guide

Backyard Fruits

This section covers fruit trees, berries and other small fruits, including variety selection, disease and pest management and more.

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Home Lawn Care

This section covers fertilization, renovation and seeding, pest and weed control and more.

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green lawn


This section covers selecting and caring for plants that spend some time, or the full year, in your home and office.

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Money Plant Golden Pothos Variegated Leaves Ivy Arum

Ornamental Gardening & Landscaping

This section covers annual and perennial flowers, as well as trees, shrubs and vines, including selection and care.

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ornamental garden

Pollinator Habitat

This section covers lawn alternatives, pollinator garden certification, wildflower meadows and more.

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Wildflower Meadow

Vegetable Gardening

This section covers building soil, seed starting, crop growing guides, fertilization, pest and disease management and more.

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Backyard Livestock

This section covers building soil, seed starting, crop growing guides, fertilization, pest and disease management and more.

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chickens in pasture

Insects in the Home, Yard and Garden

From beneficial insects to unwanted intruders and pests.

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close up of an insect on a leaf

Using Your Harvest

Harvesting and storing fruits and vegetables, food safety, canning and preserving

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Soil Testing and Other Services

Our fee-based services include soil testing, plant disease & diagnosis, and insect identification.

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Person digging soil

NH Master Gardeners Program 

Sharing the Science of Gardening

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group working in the garden

School Gardening

Gardens are be places for great learning and can be used as a tool to teach any subject. 

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children in a garden

Community Gardening

Bringing people together to learn, share and grow..

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building a community greenhouse


Exobasidium gall is a common and minor disease affecting rhododendron throughout New Hampshire and the Northeast
Exobasidium gall is a common and minor disease affecting rhododendron throughout New Hampshire and the Northeast, promoted by cool and wet weather dur... Learn More
Lupines are stunning, but there are important differences between sundial and bigleaf lupines
Bigleaf lupine and the related ornamental Russell hybrid were introduced to the northeast for both gardens and roadside stabilization in the early to ... Learn More
An enthusiastic volunteer for UNH Extension’s Yard and Garden Infoline
Megan Hanna is an enthusiastic volunteer for UNH Extension’s Yard and Garden Infoline Learn More


Several celery samples from high tunnel production with leaf curl have been identified by the UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab; this disease causes significan... Learn More
Hydroponics is the production of plants using water instead of soil to deliver the nutrients essential to plant growth. As hydroponics becomes more c... Learn More
Two major considerations for production of plants in containers, pots, flats, etc. are the potting soil and fertilizer to be used. This fact sheet wi... Learn More
Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Starting right now, this fall, we can each do our part and make a difference one yard at a time. Doing so is much easier than a traditional fall clean... Learn More