Common Pests of New Hampshire's Trees and Forests

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Pest Name: Anthracnose
Scientific Name:
Fact Sheet(s): Anthracnose of Trees and Shrubs
UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
Pest Name: Ash Yellows
Scientific Name:
Fact Sheet(s): USDA Forest Service How To
Pest Name: Birch Leafminer
Scientific Name: Fenusa pusilla
Fact Sheet(s): UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
Pest Name: Dutch Elm Disease
Scientific Name: Ophiostoma ulmi
Fact Sheet(s): UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
USDA Forest Service Pest Alert
Pest Name: Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Scientific Name: Malacosoma americanum
Fact Sheet(s): UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
USDA Forest Service Pest Alert
Pest Name: Fall Webworm
Scientific Name: Hyphantria cunea
Fact Sheet(s): UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
Pest Name: Forest Tent Caterpillar
Scientific Name: Malacosoma disstria
Fact Sheet(s): Tent Caterpillars
Pest Name: Gypsy Moth
Scientific Name: Lymantria dispar
Fact Sheet(s): USDA Forest Service Pest Alert
Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet
UNH Cooperative Extension Factsheet
Pest Name: Saddled Prominent
Scientific Name: Heterocampa guttivitta
Fact Sheet(s): Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet
Pest Name: Non Infectious Diseases
Scientific Name:
Fact Sheet(s): USDA Forest Service How To