Citizen Participation

group discussion

Community Planning is used as a means for helping community members realize their vision for the future.  Key to planning and realizing the vision is citizen participation in the planning process. 

Handout:  Helpful Hints for Effective Facilitation and Techniques for Dealing with Difficult People. (click here)

Meeting and Public Participation Resources

Outreach and Engagement

Outreach and Engagement is important in planning because community members know local needs and issues and it build accountability, trust and support for local decision-making. Local decisions will reflect the interests of the community when effort is made to include all community members in local decisions.

For information on how to be inclusive in local decision-making please see the Equity Checklist from the Equity and Engagement Committee Technical Advisory Subcommittee of Granite State Future. (click here)

Handout: Community Building: Engaging Citizens in the Community Best Practices and Ideas for Action