Multi-County 4-H Horse Qualifying Show


Belknap County Fairgrounds
369-383 Mile Hill Rd
Belmont, NH 03220
United States

The county horse show is open to all 4-H Horse Members who wish to learn more about horse shows! This show will challenge 4-H Members in their riding, horse knowledge, communication and safety skills. This event is also the qualifying event for those wishing to attend the New Hampshire State 4-H Show. The State 4-H Hippology Contest and the 4-H Judging Contest will also be held on this day at the Belknap County 4-H Fairgrounds.

You must register for the "MultiCounty 4-H Horse Qualifying Show " and "New Hampshire 4-H Hippology and NH 4-H Horse Judging Contest" separately through your 4HOnline Account! 

Returning this year: all youth may enter a 4-H Horse Breed Poster Contest.  Bring your poster with you and hand it in with your record books!

Event Schedule:

7:00am – 4-H Members can start arriving 
7:15-7:45am - Check-in: Members hand in posters and record books 
8:00am - Show Begins 
9:00am - Quiz – Open to All 
10:00am – Hippology Stations open 
12-12:30pm – Lunch Break (After English/Western Pleasure) 
12:30pm – Judging (All 4H Members participating in judging must arrive by noon) 
2:30pm – Hippology Stations Complete 

Click here to download the registration packet

Registration fees: Checks should be made payable to "Belknap County 4-H Horse Advisory" and mailed to the Belknap County 4-H Office at 64 Court St, Laconia, NH 03246. (A fee is charged for this Extension program to cover costs. A limited number of scholarships are available to individuals unable to pay.)

For persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations, please contact Karen Deighan ( prior to the event. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to make accommodations. 

Members must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets.