4-H Volunteers

  • 4-H volunteer with youth at STEM event

True Leaders Grow Here

Volunteers play a vital role in the ongoing growth and development of youth in New Hampshire and beyond. Become a 4-H volunteer today and help create life changing experiences for the youth as they become true leaders themselves.

Get Involved Today

4-H Volunteer Opportunities

We have a wide variety of ways for you to engage with youth and families in your local communities and beyond. Whether you are looking for the occasional opportunity or an extensive commitment, your impact will be long lasting for New Hampshire youth and families.

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4-H Supporter

Begin your 4-H volunteer experience with a taste of what 4-H is all about! These episodic volunteer experiences do not require extensive training, and they can be great way to learn more about 4-H.

Time commitment: Varies, typically 2-4 hours occasionally

volunteer judge at 4-H event
4-H Event Judge

From the county fair to 4-H food shows to communication events, 4-H has several activities where youth benefit from positive adult feedback. You don’t have to be a content specialist; you just need a passion for helping youth reach their potential.

event support volunteers at 4-H event
4-H Event Support

Each county has different events throughout the year like fundraisers, fairs, and food shows that require assistance, and we are always looking for a positive attitude and someone willing to lend a helping hand! Many events also require the help of volunteers who regularly assist in areas such as set-up, outreach, and registration.

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4-H Partner

Ready to partner with 4-H to help kids build skills and explore events and retreats? We have an array of experiences that provide a deeper level of engagement and will come with onboarding support from county staff.

Time commitment: Varies from 6 hours to 6 weeks

4-H SPIN facilitator volunteer at 4-H STEM event
4-H Special Interest (SPIN) Facilitator

Each county offers programs along content pathways to build mastery of skills while engaging youth in the larger 4-H community. We are always looking for volunteers skilled in a specific area of interest to lead workshops for youth. Some examples include baking, computer coding, sewing, gardening, and hiking. As the facilitator you create the experience, establish the schedule, and lead the fun!

4-H volunteer chaperone at teen event
4-H Chaperone

New Hampshire 4-H hosts three annual events in which we bring youth together to learn and grow—a fall trip to Eastern States Exposition, a winter tween and teen retreat, and a summer teen leadership conference. These immersive learning opportunities equip young adults with confidence while building friendships among 4-H youth and volunteers from across the state.

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4-H Trail Blazer

Ready to become a 4-H insider? Join us on a regular basis and help build resiliency in today’s youth.

Time commitment: Varies, typically 4-6 hours per month

4-H club volunteer at club meeting
4-H Club Volunteer

Support for 4-H clubs can range from supporting volunteers who assist with meeting details and learning experiences to adult leaders who fully orchestrate events. Clubs meet from October to August and project areas include STEM, Animal Sciences, Healthy Living, Horticulture and Civic Engagement.

4-H Agri-STEM mentor volunteer with youth
4-H Agri-STEM Mentor

An incredible role in the 4-H community! In this role, you would work with youth in virtual settings to engage them throughout their work with the project-based Agri-STEM curriculum. You will gain knowledge about systems used in the kits and assist youth in reflecting on their experiences, ensuring that they take away the most important concepts from each activity. You should be comfortable with working remotely while keeping youth engaged and inspired.

4-H STEM volunteer with youth
4-H STEM Mentor

A 4-H STEM Mentor engages with youth while learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. In this role, you will inspire youth to ask scientific questions, connect them to resources that help them discover new information, and assist them in the development of STEM-related skills. STEM plays a large role in the NH 4-H community, encompassing project areas from animal science to robotics and computer programming. 4-H STEM Mentors should be eager to motivate, inspire, and be a resource to youth discovering this pathway!

4-H STEM Docent volunteer at STEM event
4-H STEM Docent

STEM Docents are a group of trained volunteers who educate and train other volunteers about STEM-related topics. The 4-H STEM pathway actively engages youth in scientific processes to enhance their understanding of scientific concepts. It targets youth from kindergarten through 12th grade and allows them to learn from one another as well as mentors. In this role, you would learn about and then inspire youth to participate in STEM-related project areas.

4-H animal science volunteer with youth
4-H Animal Science Mentor

As an Animal Science Mentor, you would learn about agriculture, including animal science and horticulture and engage youth in hands-on experiences including gardening, raising livestock, and learning about the scientific process that makes agriculture possible. The 4-H Animal Science pathway teaches youth the value of hard work, the reward of learning how to progress with an animal project, and the responsibility needed to be successful in raising animals. Within this pathway, there are countless opportunities to participate in workshops and events to learn more about the project areas.

4-H healthy living volunteer at 4-H event
4-H Healthy Living Mentor - Nutrition

As a Healthy Living Mentor, you would engage youth about making healthy and nutritional choices. Developing a healthy lifestyle has been an essential part of 4-H on the local and national level since its creation, and positive mentors are essential in creating healthy lifestyles. In this role, you would guide youth through fun and engaging activities such as constructing pizzas or learning about a well-balanced diet.

4-H healthy living volunteer at outdoor event
4-H Healthy Living Mentor - Outdoors

As a Healthy Living Mentor, you would engage youth in activities that get them active and outdoors. Spending time outdoors has become a treasured part of day-to-day life. A high level of outdoor activity contributes to more positive mental health, increased physical fitness, and a greater appreciation for nature. Your experience in this role would benefit not only the youth but yourself as well.

4-H teen mentor with youth
4-H Teen Mentor

As a 4-H Teen Mentor, you would serve as role model that youth look up to and aspire to be. In the 4-H Teen Leadership pathway, youth are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, find their voice, and strive to become the person they see for their future self. You would use your knowledge and experience to encourage youth to use their abilities to go out and make a difference. You would also connect youth to resources that can help them achieve their goals and strive for bigger and better things!

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Ready to get started?

Connect with your County 4-H Program to get involved:

Get involved today!

If you’re ready to dive in as a 4-H Partner or Trail Blazer, complete our NH 4-H Volunteer Application online:

NH 4-H Volunteer Application


The official emblem of 4-H is a green four-leaf clover, and each leaf represents a component of the youth development organization
Each leaf of the 4-H clover represents one of the four essential elements of 4-H youth development: Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Learn More
Creating Community for our New Hampshire Teens
As a 4-H Teen Mentor you will serve as a role model that youth look up to and aspire to be. Learn More
No experience necessary!
No experience necessary! Learn More
No Experience Necessary!
No Experience Necessary! Learn More
4-H volunteers serve as role models and guide New Hampshire youth
4-H volunteers serve as role models and guide New Hampshire youth Learn More

4-H Volunteers Events


Virtual 4-H meetings are a great way to stay connected when in-person meetings are infrequent or not possible. Learn More
This list includes contact information for both national and New Hampshire resources for those experiencing mental health challenges. If you or someon... Learn More
Belonging is an essential element to the 4-H experience. But how can we create a sense of belonging with our youth when we are meeting online? This gu... Learn More