The Wildside Seasonal Challenges are designed to improve fitness, develop a deeper understanding about the wilderness of New Hampshire, and teach wilderness skills. Youth who participate in the challenges are encouraged to present on their favorite element on County Presents Day and the fair.

How to participate in any Wildside Challenge
- Register for the Wildside Challenge at 4-H Online
- Receive instructions and any materials needed (by email and/or mail)
- Mail your completed Logbook (if challenge uses a logbook) to your County 4-H Office
- Earn your Wildside patch!
* Note: Your 4-H Online profile will show current challenges. Please connect with your county 4-H program team if a challenge is not available in your county.
Wildside Challenge Patches
Of course the real prize is the fun you'll have getting outdoors, but each challenge has a patch you can earn. The patches are perfect on jean jackets or backpacks.
Spring Wildflower Challenge

The Spring Wildflower Challenge is a budding new challenge that will submerge you in nature and increase your awareness of all living things. Each youth will be tasked with identifying wildflowers, birds, insects, fungi, and animals in this challenge. The easy-to-use logbook breaks down how all living things coexist in balance and harmony with each other to create thriving biologically diverse ecosystems right here in New Hampshire.
Youth will gain and deepen their understanding of how energy flows from the sun and cycles through all plants, animals, and fungi. They will use their senses to explore and strengthen a more intimate relationship with nature. Additionally, youth who participate in this challenge will be more active, soak up “green time” & fresh air, and get more in touch with their Wildside!
The logbooks for Wildside Challenges use a lot of ink. You are welcome to print them at home. However, we are promoting this challenge early so that we can print the logbook and send it to you. Register now so you can have plenty of time to receive the logbook and map out where you want to explore. The challenge begins on Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd and ends on June 30th. All youth who complete the challenge will earn a limited-edition Spring Wildflower Challenge patch. Youth who complete 3 Wildside challenges within a program year will receive a Wildside T-shirt.
Program Questions? Contact Mike Harris.
Registration Support, contact your County Administrative Assistant.
April 22, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Mike Harris
Belknap County 4-H Program Manager
Janell George
Rockingham County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Mikayla Cerney
Carroll County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Diane Dugray
Cheshire County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Kristina Vaughn
Grafton County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Carrie Finke
Hillsborough County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Jessica Kephart
Merrimack County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Bettina Sietz
Strafford County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Lynn Brewer
Sullivan County 4-H Administrative Assistant
Previous Wildside Challenges

Winter Wonderland Photo Challenge
This photography-oriented challenge will push your artistic mind, your sense of wonder, and your ability to capture “the moment” to the next level. While you’re on your hike, walk in the woods, or out and about, take a photo that best captures the essence of this seasons' themes. We will select 12 photos this year to make a calendar for 2024.

Winter Bird ID
How many bird species can you identify in New Hampshire? Challenge yourself to learn more. While you are out and about with your family participating in your favorite winter activities, take a closer look at the birds in your natural surroundings. Learn to identify at least 6 bird species.

Winter Hiking Challenge
A popular Challenge designed to push your winter hiking limits to the next level. How incremental you push that limit is up to you and your family, Club, or group. You can participate in and accomplish the challenge even if you have never hiked before. However, this program will still challenge you if you are an experienced winter hiker, too.