The Church of the Good Shepherd
11 Park Street
Newport, NH 03773
United States
Come join us and enjoy the simmering delights!
Youth create their own hearty stew or soup recipe to compete in the Sullivan County 4-H Food Show, along with a place mat highlighting the nutritional quality and health benefits of your recipe.
Youth should bring their prepared soup or stew HOT to the competition in a crock pot. Please bring a serving ladle as well to stay with the crock pot.
Crock pots can arrive after 5pm and must be in place and plugged in by 5:30pm. At this time, we will number your crock pot and you will arrange your prepared place mat highlighting the nutritional quality and health benefits of your recipe next to it. Maybe you would like to pick a theme for your entry, have fun with it. The place mat is just as important in this competition as the soup, so take your time with this and make it dazzle!
Label the Soup - Use a cute tent card to label your soup. On one side write the name of the soup and on the other the ingredients in case you have guests with food allergies.
AT 6PMish guest, parents, and 4-H members will begin to travel through the room and sample each soup that is on display. This is a people’s choice competition with third, second, and first place winners. All other members who offer soup or stew will receive a participation gift. (The office will supply sample cups, napkins, beverages, cheese, crackers, and spoons.)
End the night with a soup-er social.
Join us for ice skating on the common! No skates? No worries, the warming hut has plenty that you can choose from. What would be a cozier finish to the meal than a cup of hot chocolate and rink side cookies for dessert.
The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. UNH, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and New Hampshire counties cooperating. Direct inquiries to If you need an accommodation to participate in our programming, please contact Laurie Field, 603-863-9200 prior to the event. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to meet your needs, including language access services if requested, which will be provided free of charge.

Laurie Field
Sullivan County 4-H Program Manager