Hillsborough County Complex
329 Mast Road
Goffstown, NH 03045
United States
Want to show off your culinary skills? Maybe you just want to learn how to utilize some simple ingredients to make something delicious? Maybe you have a super-secret recipe that makes your Grilled Cheese Sandwich more nutritious and better than that average classic? Come out on Saturday April 29th to the Hillsborough County 4-H “Grilled Cheese Challenge” and make your recipe a reality. All ingredients will be supplied. You can do this alone, or in teams of 2 or 3. All those that participate will also be invited to the prestigious State Grilled Cheese Challenge Competition at the Makers Expo on May 6th. REGISTER Today or Sign Up by Friday April 28th! This event is for all 4-H members ages 8-18. Let your creativity and genius shine through with Great HC Grilled Cheese Challenge!
More Information and tips to get ready: 4-H Grilled Cheese Challenge Packet 2023 4 29.docx