NH 4-H Animal Science Pathway
The NH 4-H Animal Science Pathway is an opportunity for youth ages 5-18 to have fun learning about favorite animals whether it be a large animal such as a horse, or a small pet such as a rabbit. Popular 4-H animal projects include: alpaca & llama, beef cattle, dairy cattle, dog, goat, horse, rabbit, sheep, swine, and working steer.
You do not need to live on a farm or own an animal to participate. Members without animals may borrow (lease) an animal to learn how to care for it, train and show it. Many 4-Hers today live in towns. Raise chickens, have a pet rabbit, take horse riding lessons.
Explore related animal fields and participate in many areas that don’t require an animal such as dairy foods, animal nutrition, care, management and behavior, health, veterinary science and more. Animal projects give youth skills and knowledge in production practices, business, time management, and leadership.

4-H Animal Enrollment (Intent to Show)
Enrolling your animal(s) in ZSuite is required for all animals being exhibited at a New Hampshire 4-H show, fair or event. All animals of every species must be added to the member’s ZSuite account by June 1 each year to be shown in a NH 4-H show or fair or to be eligible to represent NH at The Big E (ESE). Even if you own your animal and have it registered in your name you will still need to add the animal to your ZSuite account by June 1.
* Enrolling an animal does not commit a 4-H member to participating at a fair or register them for a show, but rather expresses interest in the opportunity.
- All NH 4-H animals exhibited at a NH 4-H show or fair must be added to the member’s ZSuite account by the June 1 of the current year. Use these instructions to enroll your animal. (Helmet release forms (horses only) and 4-H Animal Sharing or Borrowing Form are also due to be uploaded at this time).
- Animals registered with a breed registry and owned in the member’s name must also be enrolled through ZSuite to exhibit at a NH 4-H show or fair.
- Youth 12 and older interested in participating in The Big E competitions with their animals have special deadlines to enter their animals into ZSuite (see NH 4-H Animal Requirements and Deadlines for Participating in NH 4-H Shows for for more information)
- Enrolling an animal does not commit a 4-H member to participating at a fair or register them for a show, but rather expresses interest in the opportunity. Animals enrolled in ZSuite are not required to attend a show once entered (youth should take a proactive approach and enter their animals by the corresponding deadlines in case they would like to participate in an opportunity)
Each member who enrolls their animals in ZSuite by the June 1 deadline will receive a NH 4-H Animal Science t-shirt.
Species that are required to enroll through ZSuite to participate in a NH 4-H Animal Show, Fair, or Event:
- Beef
- Dairy Cattle
- Dog
- Goat (all types)
- Horse/ Equine
- Llama & Alpaca
- Poultry
- Rabbit & Cavies
- Sheep
- Swine
- Waterfowl
- Working Steer
Please see the NH 4-H Animal Requirements and Deadlines for Participating in NH 4-H Shows for information on everything you need to know about deadlines, vaccinations, animal age, rabies requirements and animal ID.
The preferred way to enroll an animal is through the member’s ZSuite account. This can be done on a computer or a mobile device. If you are having difficulty, please refer to the instructions, or contact your county office for help or to receive a paper form you can complete.
- Instructions for Entering Animals in ZSuite
- NH 4-H Animal Requirements and Deadlines
- 4-H Animal Sharing or Borrowing Form (this form will help you gather the animal information to be added into ZSuite)
- Helmet Release Form
- 4-H Animal Project Forms, Fact Sheets and Resources
NH 4-H Animal Science Projects
The New Hampshire 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Project is an fun project that focuses on rabbits and c... Learn More
The New Hampshire 4-H Poultry Project is an exciting and up-and-coming project that encompas... Learn More
The New Hampshire 4-H Alpaca and Llama Project focuses on two members of the camel family. T... Learn More
March 29, 2025
9:00am - 4:30pm, The New Hampshire 4-H Agri-Science Quiz Bowl, also known as the Animal Science Quiz Bowl, is an event where youth gather to demonstrate their knowledge of
April 12, 2025 to August 29th, 2025
4-H dairy judging contests are a way for youth to learn to evaluate cattle against industry standards and explain their choices in a competitive atmosphere.
May 10, 2025
8:00am - 1:00pm, Mark your calendars for "Spring" into 4-H: Workshops, Demos & Contests! This event will provide an opportunity for 4-Hers to learn about 4-H projects
July 11, 2025
4:00pm - 2:00pm, The 2025 NH 4-H State Horse Show will be held on July 11-13 at the Deerfield Fairgrounds. This event welcomes spectators to learn about the 4-H horse program.