- Rescheduled
Epsom Central School
282 Black Hall Rd.
Epsom, NH 03234
United States
ATTENTION: Due to the weather and many power outages experienced over the last couple days, and the anticipated messy weather in the morning, we are going to reschedule the Sewing Showcase Evaluation Day for April 12. Safety is our first priority, and do not want to risk that in anyway. 4-H staff and volunteers are creating a plan to hold this event at a later date. Please stay tuned for more information.
- Register through 4HOnline – by March 22, 2024.
- Submit modeling script by March 22, 2024 – here: https://unh.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07ecZIvpUSLB2bs
- Sewing Evaluation Day – Friday, April 12, 2024, at Epsom Central School (282 Black Hall Rd. Epsom, NH 03234). Orientation for volunteers at 4:00pm with judging beginning at 4:15pm.
- Sewing Showcase – TBD
4-H youth (ages 5-18) can enter ANY handmade item to be judged and showcased. There are FOUR categories a 4-H member may enter a handmade item(s) in – 1. garments, 2. quilts/quilted items, 3. knitting/crocheting, and 4. other sewn items. The items will all be judged on Evaluation Day, and members will have the opportunity to model them at the Sewing Showcase.
Additionally, youth (ages 8-18) can participate in the Fashion Selections event. Youth shop for an outfit from one of the judging categories and meet with a panel of judges to talk about their outfit selection and model it.
- Youth can enter one item per category below:
- Garment: youth sew and create their own piece of clothing
- Quilt/Quilted Item: blanket, jacket, potholder, wall hanging, pillow, bag, etc.
- Knitting/Crocheting: scarf, hat, mittens, sweater, blanket, etc.
- Other Sewn Item: pin cushion, shopping bag, bandana, pillowcase, backpack, cushion, etc.
- Participate in Fashion Selections (open to youth 8 & older)
Youth will arrive at 8:45am and check-in at the registration table. 4-Hers will be directed to their judging room(s). Youth should not arrive wearing a garment that is to be evaluated. In between judging there will be a modeling clinic to help youth practice for the Sewing Showcase with their script being read. Parents are not allowed in the judging area and are invited to wait in the gymnasium.
- ALL YOUTH must submit their SCRIPT by March 22, 2024. Link: https://unh.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07ecZIvpUSLB2bs
- The Project Description Form must be completed for all handmade items (Sewn Garment, Quilted Item, Knitted/Crocheted Item, & Other Sewn Item). One Project Description Form per item, with all items you are entering combined into one narrative script.
- Bring your completed Project Description Form(s) to Sewing Evaluation Day for the judge to review. Youth DO NOT need to submit the project description form to the 4-H office. They just need to submit their script.
The script needs to be lively and descriptive and include the youth’s name, age, and club as part of the narrative. Please review the commentary fact sheet to help guide youth while writing the script. All items entered must be described in one script, as they will be modeled/exhibited all at the same time. Example: a 4-Her sews pajama pants and makes a crocheted scarf. Both would be worn at the same time and discussed in the same script while walking in the sewing showcase.
Scoresheets can be found here. Cloverbuds will not be scored on a points system but will receive feedback on their items.
Participants 8 & older are invited to take part in Fashion Selections. Youth shop for an outfit from one of the judging categories below and meet with a panel of judges to talk about their outfit selection and model it. We will assign an arrival time for youth to be interviewed by the judges and notify participants via email. The top 3 participants (with a score of 75 & higher) will be named to represent NH 4-H at Eastern States Exposition (must be 12 or older). Every participant needs to complete the Fashion Selection Entry Form (bring to event) and register through 4HOnline and submit their script by March 22, 2024.
Fashion Selections - categories include:
- Best Bargains for under $25
- Sports/Leisure Activities (no team sport uniforms)
- School
- Special Occasions
- Makeovers (garments that you have changed since purchasing)
- Career Fashions (talk to someone in a career that interests you and then put together an outfit that would be appropriate for that career).
- Interview Outfits (appropriate for 4-H, work, or college interviews)
If you can volunteer, please let us know. We need volunteers to fulfill the following roles:
- Hall Monitors
- Garment Judges
- Quilting Judges
- Knitting Judges
- Crocheting Judges
- Other Sewn Items Judges
- Fashion Selection Panel of Judges
- General Event Helpers
- Showcase Help
If you can volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form.
Youth will take the stage to model and display their handmade items or Fashion Selections wardrobe for their family and friends at the showcase. Commentators will read their submitted script while youth will take the stage showing off their creations! Want to help us create the set for this year's showcase? Keep reading below.
Youth and adults are needed to volunteer to help create the set and set up the stage for the sewing showcase. When registering for the event in 4-HOnline give us your ideas for the Sewing Showcase theme. All 4-Hers will help create props and decorations during downtime on Evaluation Day. We are also in need of youth script readers for this year’s show. Please contact Hannah Majewski (hannah.majewski@unh.edu) if you would like to be a commentator or be placed on the stage set committee list. These are great opportunities for teens to experience leadership skills.
Items that were judged at the Sewing Evaluation Day can be entered into the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the Hopkinton State Fair to receive further awards and premiums.
Questions: Hannah Majewski, 4-H Program Manager - Hannah.majewski@unh.edu /// 603-255-3508
If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Majewski at hannah.majewski@unh.edu or by phone at 603-255-3508.
How to Register for an Event in 4-H Online
If you would like to participate in a 4-H event on a one-time basis...
Help Guide: How to Create a 4-H Online Participant Profile and Register for an Event
If you would like enroll in the NH 4-H Program as a new member and then register for an event...
Help Guide: How to enroll in 4-H Online and Register for an Event
If your family members are already enrolled in 4-H Online…
Help Guide: How to register for an event in 4-H Online
If you need to re-enroll before registering…
Help Guide: 4-H Online Re-enrollment