516 Main Street
Lancaster Fair Grounds
Lancaster, NH 03584
United States
Mark your calendars for "Spring" into 4-H: Workshops, Demos & Contests! This event will provide an opportunity for 4-Hers to learn about 4-H projects beyond their own, perhaps expand knowledge in their own project areas and give the new youth and families wanting to know what 4-H is all about a chance to see 4-H in Action with:
- Animal Fence Talks & Scoresheet Example
- Workshops - Descriptions Here
- Chain Reaction (Rube Goldberg Machine) Challenge
- Souper-Bowl Contest & Score Sheet Example
- and other activities!
From 8:30-9:30 licensed veterinarian, Earl Brady DMV, will be available to provide pre-show season health certificates, rabies vaccinations and other pre-show care to your 4-H Member project animals, including dairy, beef, oxen, sheep, goats, swine and horses. (New Hampshire animals only) PLEASE sign your animals up for this service. You can select what services you need when you register. The cost for services provided will be at a discounted rate to be paid at time of service.
Pre-registration IS REQUIRED for these veterinary services.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (subject to change):
Mini sessions will run all morning from 9:30 -11:00
8:00-9:00 Check-in/Registration
8:30-9:30 Veterinarian Health Charts, Vaccinations
9:00-10:30 Session 1: Anatomy in Real Life
Is My Animal OK?
9:30-12:00 Fence Talks every 30 minutes
10:00-10:30 Chain Reaction Challenge set up
10:30-11:30 Chain Reaction Challenge
10:45- 12:15 Session 2: Archery
Is My Animal OK?
11:00-11:30 Soup-er Bowl set up
11:30-12:30 Soup-er Bowl Judging
12:00-12:30 Lunch (bring your own)
12:30 set up for 4-H Presents Demo Day
1:00 4-H Presents Demo Day judging begins and runs until 4pm!
Registration is through ZSuite. Youth ages 5-18 and their families are invited to participate in this event. Non-4-H participants are welcome!
Register here:
- 4-H Members & Adults: https://4h.zsuite.org/event-registrations/33281
- Non 4-H Members/Participants/Volunteers: https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/33281
For event questions please contact the office at 603-788-4961 or contact the event’s coordinator Christine Whiting.
If any accommodations are needed in order to participate fully in this event contact Christine Whiting (603) 788-4961, informing us of your need, to allow us time to make the necessary arrangements.