Teen Conference Commissioners

  • Service Learning with President Dean
    Teen Leadership

Who we are:
The Teen Conference Commission is a group of teens from around the state that work together to plan and facilitate NH 4-H Teen Conference. To be on the team you must be ages 14 -18  with a desire to work closely with other teens and a team of adults to create the most loved teen event in NH!

What we do:

Each year the team works collaboratively to choose the theme of the conference, and then thread the theme throughout the planning and facilitation process.

Teen Conference Commission runs from September -June  

Teen Conference Commission Application

meet your 2024 teen conference commissioners!

Typical Calendar Year

- Interest shared with Teen Leadership Field Specialist in June
- Term begins September and ends June
- Meetings decided by the team, roughly (4) in person and (4) virtual
- Attend the Teen Leadership Retreat in October
- Teen Conference in June 
- Teen Conference Commission Meetings *schedule can be modified as needed per group*
          * 4 in person meetings (Sept, Oct at Retreat, Nov, April)
          * 4 ZOOM meetings (Jan, Feb, March, May) 
June workdays, self-scheduled 
Teen Conference in June!

Term: 1 Year

A person may not serve as a 4-H Teen Conference Commission member for more than 2 years.

  • Serve as member of the Teen Conference Commission and participate in a majority of meetings and activities as set by the team.  

  • Be welcoming and inclusive, strive for the highest level of communication. 

  • Spark joy within the team, learning who you are as a teammate and bringing that each meeting 

  • Assess past workshops and experiences at Conference to replicate or reinvent opportunities 

  • Create the theme, logo and general feel of the conference collaboratively 

  • Collaborate with community partners to create a meaningful service-learning project 

  • Work closely with advisors to develop a quality event and facilitate and manage the event in June 

  • If a team member misses more than (2) meetings the advising team reserves the right to ask them to step off of the team.  This is a highly collaborative endeavor which requires high participation. 

How to Apply and Application Process

  • Must have attended at least (1) Teen Conference  

  • Must be between the ages of 14-18 years old 

  • Must be available for in-person meetings and virtual meetings 

  • Must be able to work (1) day prior to Teen Conference during “Workdays” 

  • Must be able to attend the full Teen Conference, for Commissioners this is 4 nights and 5 days the last week of June.  

  • Application submitted to State 4-H Teen Leadership Field Specialist  

  • Each candidate is encouraged to include up to (2) personal references with their packet.  

  • Candidates will be selected by the Teen Leadership Field Specialist, TCC Advisor and TCC Collegiate Advisor. Decisions will be based on previous experience as it relates to being a member of the team.  

  • Preference will be given to applicants from all 10 counties before (2) or more are selected from the same county