Been stuck inside for too long? Well, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade! Or anything else for that matter. Sometimes being stuck at home give us a chance to exercise our inner creative genius. Explore some of the following links for projects you can do at home with common household items and have some fun.
4-H STEM Labs - This collection of short fun STEM activities is a great place to start.
Instructables - Perhaps one of our favorite online Maker resources. Instructables provides thousands of projects that range from the simple, like paper airplanes, yummy brownies or duct tape wallets, to the incredibly complex, like 3-D printed gumball machines, forged tools or homemade drones. Try searching terms like "projects for kids", "science projects" or "DIY" (Do It Yourself).
Tinkering Studio - Tinkering is the art and process of fixing, building, creating, taking apart, putting together things. The Tinkering studio has some great projects that encourage kids to work with their hands and minds to interact with all kinds of stuff you may have around the house.
Scientific American, Bring Science Home - As the name implies, this page is full of all sorts of simple science activities that can be done at home. Pick one and dive in.
Oh, if you're in for something sweet and refreshing. Squeeze one lemon, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 to 1 1/2 cups of water. Put it in a bottle to shake up and pour it into a glass with some ice. Because, when life gives you lemons... And check back here often as we add new links and content.