Basic & Detailed NRI

The NRI procedure described here involves a two-phase process: the Basic Inventory, and Detailed Inventory Studies. It is recommended that the Basic Inventory be completed BEFORE proceeding with the Detailed Inventory Studies. For communities that have already started work on an NRI or are updating an existing NRI, the data requirements for the Basic Inventory should be reviewed and gaps identified. The same can be done for Detailed Inventory Studies.

The Basic Inventory is generated from data layers that are already available in GRANIT, GRANITView and the NH Wetlands Mapper, and doesn't require any other data collection. This is the first step to complete in conducting a NRI.

Detailed Inventory Studies include a combination of GIS (Geographic Information System) data from the mapping sources listed above, field data, data from other sources, and generally requires more detailed documentation. Detailed Inventory studies are optional and will vary depending on a community's priorities.