Detailed Inventory Studies

Once the Basic Inventory is complete, it can be expanded as needed over a period of time, depending on the work group’s specific needs and prioritized goals. The purpose of the Detailed Inventory Studies is to collect additional information that supports the primary goals of the NRI. This may involve incorporating information from other studies, initiating new studies, using existing GIS-based data, and/or collecting local data. Detailed inventory studies are optional and can be included as and when a community needs the data.

Detailed Inventory Studies involve more than GIS maps. Documentation in the form of narrative descriptions and supporting data tables are an important component of these studies. While the maps provide an important and often enlightening visual image (valuable for public education), some data don’t lend themselves display on a map and are best documented in a narrative report. For example, the information and results from a wetland inventory and evaluation study are presented in tabular, graphic and narrative form, along with individual wetland maps, that can be incorporated into the NRI as a subsection or an addendum.

List of Detailed Inventory Studies
These are examples of some common studies completed for an NRI. Other studies or data sources may be added depending on  your goals. It is generally more efficient to focus on one detailed study at a time, noting that there can be multiple data requirements involved in evaluating a single resource or priority.  Not all the Detailed Inventory Studies listed need to be completed by all communities. Depending on the prioritized goals, the work group can select to conduct those studies that best meet their needs