There is a variety of online mapping tools that are free and easy to use. Note that these mapping tools generally only produce maps at a small scale: 8.5 x 11 is usually the best resolution. However, these tools can serve as a starting point for generating NRI maps. It is recommended that in addition to including small scale maps in the NRI report, poster size maps are also generated. These large scale maps can be laminated and used for reference in municipal board meetings, hung on the walls in town halls for residents to see, taken to public outreach events to educate residents and get their input, etc. A person experienced in using GIS would be needed to generate these poster size maps.
Online Mapping Tools and Resources:
GRANITView is a web mapping application that provides access to key NH GRANIT data layers, along with a suite of tools to navigate and interact with those data layers.
NH Coastal Viewer is an online mapping tool that brings coastal resources spatial data, hazards-related spatial data, and other spatial data sets within NH's 42 coastal watershed communities together in one place.
NH GRANIT provides access to New Hampshire's geospatial data and resources as the NH Statewide GIS Clearinghouse, and also provides access to online mappers
Google Earth provides satellite imagery and the ability to zoom in to locations for more detailed information
NH DES Onestop Data and Information is an online, searchable database comprised of environmental information and data compiled by the NH Dept. of Environmental Services
US Fish & Wildlife Service – National Wetlands Inventory
NH Fish and Game Wildlife Action Plan Maps by Town provides 8.5 x 11 size copies of the Habitats Land Cover and Highest Ranked Habitats maps. Assistance from a GIS provider is needed to produce poster size copies of the maps. Refer to Using the Wildlife Action Plan Maps to learn more about this data.
UNH Cooperative Extension Geospatial Technologies provides free download of training programs about free software to create maps, e.g. GIS on Pennies a Day and Making Maps the Google Way.