On Tuesday, June 18, 2019 the Laconia Middle School had an Agriculture Fair to give their middle school students the opportunity to interact with a variety of animals and to learn hands-on from the presenters. Aila Lumsden of the 4-H Compass Club, Belknap County, brought her two roosters to the Ag. Fair. She let the kids pet, feed, and even hold the roosters. She explained to the kids how she takes care of her flock and all about showing them at the Belknap County 4-H Fair. Joining Aila was Kailey Deighan of the Hillsdale Dairy 4-H Club, Carroll County. Kailey brought two Nubian kids. She also talked with the students about her dairy project and about the many opportunities she has as a result of being in 4-H. She has numerous opportunities to learn about the dairy industry and opportunities to travel to different counties to share her knowledge and love of animals.