Coös County 4-H Resumes are due to the 4-H Office by March 1st for consideration for the Eva Conant Memorial 4-H Scholarship. All other resumes are due in Coös County 4-H office by May 15. Interviews will be scheduled for a later date. Contact Chris Whiting for any assistance or with questions. For more information on 4-H Resumes, please visit the Marketing You webpage for additional resources!
Marketing YOU is New Hampshire 4-H's annual application, resume and interview event where teens have the opportunity to apply for one of the many state and national trips created specifically for 4-H youth members. Coös County 4-H also uses this format to select the recipients for the Eva Conant Memorial 4-H Scholarship. This program experience teaches teens how to capture their real world experiences and articulate it through a professional portfolio.
Why write one? The 4-H Motto is "Learning by Doing". As we grow youth as True Leaders we aim to prepare them with the skills they need to become the 21st Century citizens and workforce the world needs. Participants create a cover letter and resume that highlights their accomplishments, followed by an interview as a way to improve their communication skills.
New Hampshire Marketing You awards include National 4-H Congress (Atlanta GA); National 4-H Conference, National 4-H Makers Summit, National Healthy Living Summit, National Agri-science summit, all in Washington DC; and National Dairy Conference in Madison WI.
Try Marketing YOU! What have you got to lose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? Leadership skills, resume writing skills, and a portfolio that will last throughout your high school career.