Youth learn lifelong skills through a variety of 4-H activities

  • Victory Workers Club Members Smiling
Victory Workers 4-H Club Celebrates 80 Years 

The Pittsfield Victory Workers 4-H Club is celebrating their own victory of 80 years. The 4-H club, which is based out of Merrimack County, has been continuously running since it was established in 1942 by Ruth Kimball and Carol Ward. In keeping true with 4-H tradition, the club continues its legacy of improving lives and impacting their community through positive youth development and the 4-H program.

The Victory Workers are one of the biggest 4-H clubs in N.H., involving over 50 kids. The club specializes in various project areas including sewing, gardening, cooking and more. 4-H program manager Hannah Majewski says that the club is a “well-oiled machine.”

This year, their members have participated in 4-H events at the county, state and even national levels. Several of their members participated in Merrimack County 4-H Presents, attended the N.H. 4-H Teen Conference, and one 4-H’er even attended the 4-H True Leaders in Equity Institute in Washington D.C.

There seems to be this notion that 4-H clubs are solely involved with farming and agriculture, and while that is a big part of it, it is not the only option. Victory Workers offers a variety of programs that people can get involved in. Organizational leader of the club Pam Clattenburg says, “There is something for everyone.”

Perhaps you want to learn how to plant your own garden, master a certain dish or even weave your own basket. There are numerous projects that the club provides, and they are intertwined. “One project leads to a whole bunch of different things,” says Clattenburg.

4-H'ers at a parade

One year the club hosted Survival Week, through which kids learned to build shelters and fires without matches, distinguish edible mushrooms from toxic mushrooms  and gained more knowledge on tree and plant life.

Victory workers along with other 4-H clubs, provide opportunities for young kids in N.H. communities. Members are taught skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. Some of these skills include communication, collaboration, decision-making, problem solving and much more.

Every year there are fairs throughout the counties, where club members can showcase their work in different exhibit halls. It is super fun to see all the creativity from the different projects. It is a great way to engage and gives the kids something to be proud of. Clattenburg says, “Our goal is to create young leaders for our future America.”

County Fairs & Festivals

Be sure to support your local 4-H program by visiting your local county fairs and festivals. 

NH Fairs Association

Merrimack County 4-H Festival

Hopkinton State Fair
