volunteer building a mousetrap car

If you want to make mousetrap cars with your 4-H Club, but you’re still not quite sure how to get started, check out our new Build A Mousetrap Car Instructable on the Instructables.com website.  An Instructable is an online tutorial that can teach you to make something.  In this case you can learn to make a mousetrap car to showcase at 4-H Activities Day.  Instructables.com is an online community of people who like to make, build, create and share their creations. According to their website, “Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document and share their creations.”  It is full of tutorials, lessons, recipes and step by step directions to build, make and construct thousands of creations.  

If you are interested in making mousetrap cars with your 4-Hers.  Take a look at the Build a Mousetrap Car Instructable.  This Instructable gives you a materials list, a short video and complete instructions on how to build a mousetrap car.  Once you’ve gathered the necessary materials, bring your club members together and give it a go.  Many NH county 4-H programs will be holding Mousetrap Car Challenges, and the top performing cars from each county will have an opportunity to race their cars at State Activities Day on May 19 in Manchester.  If you are interested in participating in the 4-H Mousetrap Car Challenge, contact your county Extension office or email Claes.Thelemarck@unh.edu.  When you are done building your mousetrap cars please join the NH 4-H Makers Facebook group and share some pictures of your mousetrap cars.  We’d love to see what you create.




Extension Field Specialist - Science Literacy
Extension Field Specialist, 4-H Science Education
Phone: (603) 447-3834
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824