The Merrimack County 4-H Foundation & Merrimack County 4-H Leaders Association provide scholarship opportunities and financial assistance for Merrimack County 4-H youth and their families. These scholarships are made available to youth who are currently participating with 4-H in Merrimack County. Funds are made available yearly for youth who apply.
Are you planning on registering your child to attend a 4-H camp this summer at Barry Conservation Camp? Would you like financial assistance to help fund your child's camp session? Then fill out the Merrimack County 4-H Barry Conservation Camp Scholarship Application by January 10, 2025. Scholarship recipients will have a spot saved at Barry Conservation Camp for their selected session. Recipients will be notified of their award in time for pre-registration in February. To learn more about camp and the 2025 camp sessions, visit:
Teens spend three days making new friendships, connecting with old friends and developing leadership skills that will last a lifetime. The Merrimack County 4-H Leaders Association provides financial assistance to youth who attend the conference. To receive consideration for a scholarship you must fill out the Merrimack County 4-H Teen Conference Scholarship Application by March 14, 2025.
The Cheever Book Award is awarded to youth who need financial assistance for higher education opportunities. The Merrimack County 4-H Foundation provides financial assistance to 4-H youth attending a higher education institution such as a trade school, technical school, college, or university. Merrimack County 4-H members interested in applying for a higher education book award must fill out the application by May 1st.
Looking for additional scholarship opportunities for 4-H youth? Check out statewide scholarship opportunities here.