- ZSuite Animal Enrollment Instructions
- NH 4-H Animal Requirements & Deadlines for participating in 4-H Shows
- 4-H Animal Sharing or Borrowing Form (this form will help you gather the information to be add into ZSuite)
- NH 4-H Animal Science Working with Cloverbuds
- NH 4-H Animal Project Records
- NH 4-H ESE Animal Program Qualifying Process
- Helmet Release for 4-H Equestrians
4-H Policies
- Suggestions for 4-H Animal Borrowing (formerly leasing)
- NH Animal Health Regulations
- Emergency Action Plan for NH 4-H Animal Events
- NH 4-H Policy on Rabies Vaccinations
- NH 4-H Replacement Animal Policy
- Responsibilities of a NH 4-H Animal Exhibitor
UNHCE Fact Sheets
- Handling Large Farm Animals
- Be Aware of Drug Residues
- Large Animal Transportation
- Barn Safety
- Trailer Safety
- Housing and Space Guidelines for Livestock
Volunteer, Leader, Parent and Staff Animal and Ag Science Resources
Judges and Superintendents Animal and Ag Science Resources