NH 4-H Livestock Auction - Seller Information


    • girl kissing lambs head at auction

    4-H Youth raise Beef, Meat Goats, Lamb, & Swine to be auctioned off on Monday, September 1, 2025 at the Hopkinton State Fair in Contoocook, NH. The show begins at 10:00am and the auction begins at 12:30pm.

    How to Participate: Submit your intent to participate in the NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction by signing up for the event through ZSuite from March 1 - April 1. Note: This is the initial step to let us know of your interest in taking part in the Livestock Auction. Later on, in the summer 4-H participants will register again through ZSuite to commit their project animals for the auction. The deadline to officially register as an Auction Seller is August 1st. 

    Important Dates: Youth MUST attend one tagging date to participate in the Livestock Show & Auction. See Rules & Regulations below. 

    • April 1, 2025: Intent to participate in the Livestock Auction as a seller - register through ZSuite.
    • May 3, 2025: Educational Event (non-tagging event) at NH Farm Forest & Garden Expo at the Deerfield Fairgrounds (34 Stage Rd, Deerfield, NH 03037). All youth planning to participate in the NH 4-H Livestock Auction are highly encouraged to participate in the 4-H Grill Master Cook-Off held in conjunction with the expo, and attend the workshop prior to the contest about appealing to buyers and marketing your project. Both of these events will help youth to communicate with buyers about the value of their animal’s products!
    • May 10, 2025: Tagging at the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival at the Deerfield Fairgrounds (34 Stage Rd, Deerfield, NH 03037)
    • May 18, 2025: Tagging at the Belknap County Fairgrounds (174 Mile Hill Rd, Belmont, NH 03220)
    • May 31, 2025: Tagging at Beef Field Day (Cornish Fairgrounds -294 Town House Road, Cornish, NH 03745)
    • June 1, 2025: Deadline to Enroll Animal(s) through ZSuite (Intent to Show) - Instructions
    • June 28-29, 2025: Educational Event - Sheep & Goat Clinic (Belknap County Fairgrounds - 174 Mile Hill Rd, Belmont, NH 03220)
    • Month of June: Check-in with your species superintendent
    • Month of July: Check-in with your species superintendent
    • Month of August: Check-in with your species superintendent
    • August 1, 2025: Deadline to register your animal with the Livestock Auction through ZSuite.
    • August 15, 2025: Hopkinton State Fair Deadline to Register Animal(s) for 4-day exhibitors
    • September 1, 2025: NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction

    Animal Project Workbooks: 2025 WORKBOOKS & RESOURCES WILL BE UPDATED SOON.

    Seller Resources:

    Rules for Youth Participants:

    1. You can tag up to three animals per species. You may show and sell up to two animals per species at the auction. There is a non-refundable $25 tagging fee per species to tag up to three animals of same species (example: 3 lambs for $25 and 3 goats for $25). Payment is due at the time of tagging and weigh in. In the event that the auction needs to be canceled, arrangements have been made with a USDA certified processor to accommodate auction eligible NH 4-H Livestock Show & Auction animals.  Processing space will be available for 2 animal per species a seller has tagged.

    1. To participate members must be 8-18 years old by January 1 of current year and register for this event through ZSuite by April 1 as an auction seller and submit Auction Entry Form by August 1.

    1. All livestock must be owned by the member, not in a farm name.

    1. All animals must be tagged at one of the official tagging events listed on the website. Tags must not be intentionally removed for the duration of the program, including the day of the auction.  Tags that fall out must be immediately reported to the species superintendent and the animal will be retagged, with documentation of the new tag by photo.

    1. All participants must get at least one bidder to come (or bid by proxy) to the auction.

    1. All participants must get at least one t-shirt sponsor.

    1. All livestock must have a rabies vaccination at least 30 days prior to the auction and not greater than 365 days prior to the auction.

    1. All participants must keep an ongoing record on their project. Completed record books must be turned into the Auction Committee 1 week after the auction.  Sale checks will not be issued to sellers until the completed record book is received. Keping accurate records is a requirement of the market animal project. 

    1. All participants must check in via email, in person or phone with a species superintendent or designated leader/advisor at least once each month during June, July and August. Check-in includes:
      1. The member presenting the record book to the superintendent or leader
      2. Leader/superintendent will view the animal or pictures of the animal.
      3. Review of progress since last check in, nutrition, etc.

    1. Livestock that are not sale quality, will not be sold. The 4-H’er can still participate in the show with their animal, but not participate in the sale. What does sale quality mean? The biggest determination is adequate finish. Thin livestock do not sell well and do not grade well. (see information included in your workbook regarding body condition for your species)

    1. All livestock of a given species receiving a blue ribbon in the show will be sold first, followed by red ribbon animals of that species. White Ribbons given to unfinished animals will NOT be allowed to sell at the auction.

    1. All animals must meet the following requirements to be sold in the auction:
      1. All animals must be clean, fitted and groomed. Trained to lead, walk, set up, and be manageable for fair show ring.
      2. Animals must be in good body condition (see information included in your workbook regarding body condition for your species)
      3. Castration is required for all male livestock.

    1. 4-H members participating at the show and auction must remain on the grounds after the auction until excused. Members will help load animals and clean up.  
