NH 4-H Horse Project

  • horse

Introduction to the New Hampshire 4-H Horse Project

4-H Horse members can learn about horse care, riding, driving, showing in hand, gymkhana, equine management, nutrition, equine science, safety and careers in the equine project. A member may work with any type of equine including horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules. Members gain skills in basic horse care and may attain in-depth knowledge required in some horse events or disciplines. Horse ownership is not required; there is the borrowing (lease) option and there are many activities and knowledge events that do not require access to an animal.

At 4-H horse shows, classes for horses usually include: Fitting & Showmanship, Equitation and a variety of performance classes that may be mounted, driving, or in-hand. Refer to the New England 4-H Horse Rulebook and the NH Supplement for the range of classes and the standards that relate to them.

  • Required Participant Age: 8-18 as of January 1 of the current year.
  • Required Animal Age/Breeds: Horse must be over two years of age to be shown in under saddle classes. No stallions over one year of age or mares nursing foals are allowed to be shown in 4-H shows. All breeds and grade (non-registered) horses are welcomed. All types of equines including donkeys, mules, miniature horses, draft horses, and ponies are suitable for this project.
  • Animal Vaccination Requirements: Rabies vaccination must be at least 30 days prior to shows or events and must be current (not more than 1 year). Animals must be healthy/free from signs of communicable disease prior to attending any show or event. Certificate of veterinary inspection may be required by some events and is required to bring an animal outside the state of NH.
  • Animal Identification: No permanent ID required. You must include photos in your ZSuite Animal Registration form or breed registration papers (must be solely in the 4-H member’s name) to qualify for Eastern States Exposition (the Big E).
  • Horse project animals must be entered into a 4-H member’s ZSuite account by June 1 (including a copy of the animal borrowing/ sharing form if applicable and 4-H helmet release form) to be eligible to show at NH 4-H shows.
  • Youth 12 and older as of January 1 of the current year are eligible to show their horse project animal at The Big E as part of the NH 4-H Horse Team. 
  • Horse projects with intentions to enter The Big E 4-H Horse show need to be entered into ZSuite by April 1.
  • Youth wishing to participate in this team qualify at the NH 4-H State Horse Show.

    Additional animal criteria and requirements can be found at: https://www.thebige.com/p/competitions/4-h/packets.

  • NH 4-H Animal Science Bonanza
  • 4-H Horse Judging and Hippology Contest
  • NH 4-H Agri-Science Quiz Bowl (Horse Division)
  • NH 4-H State Horse Show
  • Eastern National 4-H Horse Round Up
