Wetlands for Wildlife [Part of the TAFW Wildlife Webinar Series]

Online Only

Fens, bogs, vernal pools, scrub/shrub swamps, emergent and forested wetlands, and beaver impoundments. Wetland diversity is key to wildlife biodiversity and conservation in NH. This workshop will help you distinguish between wetland types and discuss the wildlife species associated with each. A special focus on at-risk turtle species will be covered and the conservation actions and management practices being conducted in the state. Other topics will include beaver management, buffers, Best Management Practices, land protection, environmental review, and funding. 

About the Presenters:

Josh Megyesy
Wildlife Biologist, NH Fish and Game

Josh Megyesy is a wildlife biologist with NH Fish & Game's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program. He specializes in at-risk turtle population monitoring and conservation. working with state, federal, municipal partners, and NGOs closely to manage, create, and enhance wildlife habitat in NH. Josh also works on NHs Reptile and Amphibian Reporting Program and regional planning for herpetofauna research. 

Melissa Winters
Wildlife Biologist, NH Fish and Game

Melissa Winters is a Certified Wildlife Biologist for the Nongame & Endangered Wildlife Program at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department where she manages the Environmental Review Unit and the conservation efforts for several species of wildlife including reptiles, amphibians, freshwater mussels and tiger beetles. Melissa also manages the NH Reptile and Amphibian Reporting Program/Wildlife Sightings and works closely with the Natural Heritage Bureau in the management of the state’s wildlife records. Melissa received her MS from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and has extensive experience in both the public and private sector working with a variety of wildlife taxa, including state and federally listed species.

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