Caring for Yard & Street Trees

  • 3 Woman planting trees

Pruning, Planting and More



Pruning guidelines for all trees and shrubs, in the home setting and in commercial applications. Learn More
Pruning guidelines for all trees and shrubs, the home setting and the commercial appications. Learn More
The main objectives of pruning trees should be to create and preserve good structure, and to correct storm damage or other problems that develop durin... Learn More
Natural spread of emerald ash borer (EAB) takes decades; human-assisted spread takes only hours.

Following best management practices wi... Learn More
Forests are dynamic ecosystems shaped by human and natural disturbances. While we may carefully tend and manage our forests to meet our objectives, a ... Learn More
Why fertilize?

Fertilizer provides a source of essential nutrients that plants need to grow normally and be healthy. Nutrients are also... Learn More


As the second most forested state in the nation, our forest products industry supports over 12,800 jobs and $2.5 billion in sales or output (total val... Learn More
Forester Greg Jordan joins for part 2 on trees, pruning and problems
A podcast episode with a continuing conversation on trees. Learn More
Forester Greg Jordan joins Emma and Nate to talk all things landscape trees in a two-part episode. Part 1 focuses on selection, planting, transplanting, transporting, and general care.
Forester Greg Jordan joins Emma and Nate to discuss landscape tree selection, planting, care, transplanting and transporting. Featured plant: tamarack... Learn More