Labor & Personnel Training

  • sunflower at sunset

Farm labor management is a key contributing factor to overall farm viability and success. Understanding hiring, training, task delegation, and leadership development within the farm business can be tricky. The resources provided below will support your overall mission to hire, retain and effectively utilize labor on your farm.


This guide provides a general overview of what it takes to get your farm up and running in New Hampshire
This guide provides a general overview of what it takes to get your farm up and running in New Hampshire. Learn More
Farmers experience unique stress and mental health challenges due to their occupation
Understanding farm stress and what contributes to it. Learn More


Our Farmers are Struggling, Farmer mental health challenges can result in loss of life, reduced ability to perform farm duties, lowered farmer quality... Learn More
Defines what an intern is and conditions at work. Learn More
Defines salary, eligibility and tips for identifying when to pay salary on the farm. Learn More
Defines H-2A Visa Program, who can use it, how recruitment works and human rights considerations. Learn More
Website contains information on how to effectively recruit, hire, train and retain workers is a critical farm management skill. It includes tips, tool... Learn More