Natural Resources Stewards

  • group of volunteers in the woods

Learn, Explore & Share the Nature of New Hampshire

Natural Resources Stewards are people of all ages and walks of life who love New Hampshire’s outdoors: our trees and parks, forests and fields, the rocky soil, plants, and pollinators within our farms and gardens, the lakes, rivers, streams, and bogs that connect our landscape, the diversity of wildlife from salamanders to songbirds, and osprey to otters that share these special places.

Stewards are a community of volunteers who make a difference caring for the nature of New Hampshire. Learn more about the Natural Resources Stewards Program.


Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Starting right now, this fall, we can each do our part and make a difference one yard at a time. Doing so is much easier than a traditional fall clean... Learn More
The Natural Resources Steward program offers a comprehensive training and volunteer supp... Learn More
The 2024 session of Natural Resources Stewards is being paused as we go through a transition. We encourage you to fill out an application if you are i... Learn More
Below are links and resources for our current Natural Resources Stewards as they volunteer in their communities:

Repo... Learn More


The effects of shade on the air around us is formidable. Shade can lower the ambient temperature of the air by as much as 15 to 20 degrees. It has a s... Learn More
Two conservation easement owners and Duane Hyde, Land Conservation Director at SELT, answered questions and addressed concerns about conservation ease... Learn More
How Can I Succeed with Orders from the NH State Forest Nursery?
Various websites, along with the State Forest Nursery, provide high quality information about specific species of trees and shrubs and their value for... Learn More
