Helping Landowners Preserve Their Legacy
Providing landowners practical information about preserving their land — and their legacy.
UNH Cooperative Extension encourages people to care for their land while they’re still alive and to think about how they want their land to be cared for in the future. Planning what will happen to your land when you’re gone is the next critical step of being a good steward. Extension staff and county foresters can connect landowners with the tools they need to map out their land’s future. However, Extension does not help landowners develop estate plans. Though estate planning is often a difficult issue for families to discuss, those conversations play a vital role in the health of New Hampshire’s forests. Extension staff can connect landowners, when they’re ready, with the appropriate organizations and resources to begin the process.
Forests are a precious resource in New Hampshire, where much of the state’s forestland is on privately-owned property. Environmental outcomes and quality of life all depend on the private actions of landowners. UNH Cooperative Extension is proud to be part of a new resource that provides landowners with practical information about preserving their land — and their legacy.
Protecting Your Legacy: A New Hampshire Landowner's Guide to Conservation-based Estate Planning
The Protecting Your Legacy guide includes practical information for landowners, including:
- How to involve family members in making decisions about land
- How to talk with family about estate planning issues
- Details on ownership categories such as limited partnerships and trusts
- Suggestions on permanent land use options such as conservation easements
- Information on tax considerations.
Protecting Your Legacy is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Franklin Land Trust.
Estate Planning for N.H. Woodlot Owners
Estate planning is for every landowner. Your land is part of your legacy. You have been a good steward of your land, carefully making decisions about its use. Planning what will happen after you are gone is the next critical step of being a good steward.
Legacy Planning Stories: How Landowners "Like Me" Are Ensuring the Future of their Land
A collection of stories about fellow landowners like you, the legacies they are creating, and how they are planning for the future of their land.
Land Conservation Resources for Landowners
UNH Cooperative Extension offers assistance to landowners interested in conserving their land. There are several options for land conservation in New Hampshire. Here are a few resources to start you off in the right direction:
- Find Your Local Land Trust - Often your local land trust is the first place to call to learn more about your land conservation options.
- NRCS Easement Programs - The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service offers several easement programs, one of which may be the right fit for you.
- Landowner Stories - Read stories about other landowners who have conserved and/or managed their land for wildlife and other natural resources.
Additional Resources for Landowners interested in managing their land for wildlife and forestry:
- Taking Action for Wildlife - a partnership of NH Fish and Game and UNH Cooperative Extension
- Forests & Trees - UNH Cooperative Extension's Forestry Program
- Good Forestry in the Granite State - Guide to voluntary best management practices for forestry in NH
- Financial Assistance for Landowners
- NRCS Funding Opportunities for NH Landowners
February 27, 2025 to April 24th, 2025
March 8, 2025 to June 28th, 2025
March 26, 2025, noon - 1:30 p.m.
March 26, 2025, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
April 2, 2025, noon - 1:30 p.m.
April 2, 2025, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.