Ornamental Gardening and Landscaping

  • ornamental garden

Annual & Perennial Articles

To clean up or not to clean up? That is the question. So many opinions, so many options. So many things to put on the TO DO List… or not. What’s a ... Learn More
A Question of the Week
For many gardeners, pokeweed represents a conundrum. On the one hand, it’s a native plant that provides an important food source for songbirds. On the... Learn More
Nate discusses gardening and landscaping during drought, and shares updates on the podcast.
In this bonus episode of Granite State Gardening, Nate Bernitz discusses gardening and landscaping during drought, and shares updates about the podcas... Learn More
Monthly Proven Tips and Solutions for Granite State Gardeners
Monthly Proven Tips and Solutions for Granite State Gardeners Learn More

Tree & Shrub Articles

The effects of shade on the air around us is formidable. Shade can lower the ambient temperature of the air by as much as 15 to 20 degrees. It has a s... Learn More
How Can I Succeed with Orders from the NH State Forest Nursery?
Various websites, along with the State Forest Nursery, provide high quality information about specific species of trees and shrubs and their value for... Learn More
Dr. Bryan Peterson and horticulture professional Kate Garland answer real questions from gardeners about propagating trees and shrubs in the winter months
Dr. Bryan Peterson and horticulture professional Kate Garland answer real questions from gardeners about propagating trees and shrubs in the winter mo... Learn More
Monthly Proven Tips and Solutions for Granite State Gardeners
Spring bulbs may start appearing earlier than expected if the soil is bare and the temperatures are warmer than usual. Learn More

Tree & Shrub Resources

Pruning guidelines for all trees and shrubs, in the home setting and in commercial applications. Learn More
Pruning guidelines for all trees and shrubs, the home setting and the commercial appications. Learn More
Pruning hydrangeas baffles many gardeners—novice and experienced alike—because of hydrangeas’ growth habits. Before you even think... Learn More

Annual & Perennial Resources

Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Starting right now, this fall, we can each do our part and make a difference one yard at a time. Doing so is much easier than a traditional fall clean... Learn More