Pollinator Habitat

  • bee on a flower


The Beecology Project
As a Beecologist, I find it gratifying to be part of an investigation (led by UMass biology professor and researcher Dr. Robert Gegear) that is contri... Learn More
National Pollinator Week is recognized every June
Pollinator Week 2023 is recognized June 19-25, 2023. There are many ways you can help pollinators in your garden. Learn More
Contribute to Understanding Native Plant-Pollinator Interactions in NH
Addressing the gap in knowledge about which plants will maximize balanced and healthy bumblebee populations is the reason the Beecology citizen scienc... Learn More


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Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Do you want to leave your leaves and flower stalks on your garden or landscape over the winter to provide food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflie... Learn More
Starting right now, this fall, we can each do our part and make a difference one yard at a time. Doing so is much easier than a traditional fall clean... Learn More
New Hampshire is home to a diverse array of pollinators, from charismatic bumble bees to unheralded wasps, flies and beetles. Declines of insects, nat... Learn More
Beekeepers ought to have the following skills and knowledge about beekeeping so as to

• Maintain healthy and productive honeybee coloni... Learn More
A helpful resource for landowners seeking to establish a wildlife meadow. It explains when choosing a site, consider soil conditions and sunlight expo... Learn More