Citizen Science Projects

Resource Category Topic Type
Outdoor Skills for Conservation Volunteers: Training Guide
Gain confidence navigating outdoors with this 16-page guide<br /> <br /> <br /> Refresher on outdoor skills for all kinds of volunteer field work<...
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects
How to Lead a Nature Walk: Training Guide
This 41-page guide is your go-to resource for training volunteers to lead nature walks:<br /> <br /> <br /> How to plan and deliver a nature walk ...
Nature Groupie, Natural Resources, Nature Groupie, Citizen Science Projects
Schoolyard SITES Volunteer Service Agreement
Title:   Schoolyard SITES Extension Science Volunteer<br /> <br /> Purpose: <br /> <br /> Provide expertise in the field of natural resources on a...
Schoolyard SITES, STEM Education, Schoolyard SITES, Citizen Science Projects
Schoolyard SITES Overview
UNH Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the Joan and James Leitzel Center, has received a National Science Foundation Discovery Research PreK-1...
NH Coverts Project, Natural Resources, Schoolyard SITES, STEM Education, Schoolyard SITES, Citizen Science Projects