Carroll County Food Access Network

  • vegetables at a market with a map of  Carrol County

The Carroll County Food Access Network was formed with the support of UNH Extension to create a network of local and state level agencies to focus on priority areas that were identified through a community food access needs assessment conducted in 2023. UNH Extension has partnered with NH Hunger Solutions to form a backbone team to facilitate the efforts of the network, and working teams have been formed to focus on identified priority areas.

In 2022 UNH Extension received a Well Connected Communities grant to conduct a thorough food access needs assessment. In collaboration with the Carroll County Food Access Network and the Carsey School for Public Policy the needs assessment complied data from a community and farmer/producer survey, focus groups, and other county and state data to learn more about community access to food. From this information Priority Area Teams were created to set goals and take action steps to increase and improve access to healthy, affordable food in Carroll County.   

Mission Statement:
Carroll County Food Access Network is a resource to optimize access to affordable, nutritious, food for all people with efforts focused on supporting the local food system in Carroll County, New Hampshire.


CCFAN Administrative Team 
Ways to Connect

 Carroll County Food Access Facebook page 

 Email List

 Join A Priority Team

CCFAN Priority Area Teams

Increase SNAP participation

Team Lead Nadine SanAntonio, NH Food Bank Carroll County SNAP Outreach 

Goal #1 Get to know the team players working on SNAP participation



  • Share what we know.
  • Invite others to come to our meetings
  • Be in communication with other folks doing the work.
  • Use each other as a resource.
Goal #2 Increase awareness and therefore increase participation by scheduling tabling at different locations - libraries, food pantries, community housing sites



  • Be aware of opportunities to get the word out about SNAP particularly to populations most at-risk of non-participation.
  • Use the libraries for on-site presence and distribute through future book mobile
  • Be a presence at Food Pantries to distribute printed information and hear what people have to say
  • Send information through Meals on Wheels
  • Other outlets could be laundromats, community rooms at residential complexes, congregate meal sites, church gathering spaces… In all these situations we can be available to hear people’s stories
Goal #3 Grow our efforts by encouraging more volunteers within this network
and through contacts we make in the field.


  • Inform people on this team and the entire network about Mobile Food Pantry truck delivery schedule to meet folks and deliver the food boxes to their cars.
Increased local food access for high-risk individuals and senior meal participation

​​​​Team Lead – Joy Gagnon, UNH Extension Teacher 

Goal #1: Increase senior meal participation by 5% by January 2025 through
networking and collaborations.


  •  Increase funding for Senior Meal programs
    • Donations or federal/state/county/town support
    • Networking or sharing information between Centers
  •  Create marketing material to the community.
    • Create interagency material
  • Age Friendly Communities Resource Guide
  • Networking meetings for agencies to learn more about each other’s work.
    •  Northern Carroll County Providers Network – Contact Catalina Kirsch to be added to the email list
    • Ossipee United Round Table (For the Ossipee Area) – Contact Joy Gagnon to be added to the email list.
    • CCFAN meetings can offer this opportunity too
Goal #2: Increase open summer meal sites by at least 1 site this summer.


  • Build collaboration in the community to make this successful and share the load
  • The location will be based on where there is no site within a reasonable drive
  • Can we feed parents too?

Goal #3 Assist agencies with reaching individuals experiencing homelessness
to provide healthy meals/food in the areas they are living.


  • Research congregate meals or meals on wheels options for people experiencing homelessness to have a report on this by December.
  • Contact people in towns who work.
Build Farmer Capacity

Team Lead Mark McConkey, State Representative 

Goal #1: Assist WIC to connect 1-3 Farmers Markets (with 1-3 farmers at each connected market) in the county with “WIC at the Farmers Market” program.


  • Reach out to individual farmers
    • Attend Farmers Markets to talk to the farmers
  • Connect WIC to Farmers Market Managers to reach farmers
  • Give the team marketing info to share with farmers


Goal #2: (2 Year Project) Research the needs of the farmers and how to best use the county land, buildings, and equipment.
  • Z024 goal: Create and implement a farmer survey and researching topics listed below to write a report on findings by the end of 2024.


  • Survey farmers needs
  • Research topics listed below – by December we will have a report to share
    • Food Hubs – Research how other food hubs work
    • Research community, municipal, commercial farming programs that work 
    • High Tunnel
Other areas of importance to improve food access in Carroll County: 
  • Transportation – related to food access 
  • Economic improvements and affordable housing 

Food Insecurity in Carroll County


Nutrition Connections Teacher
Health & Well-Being Teacher
Phone: (603) 447-3834
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824