Carroll County Food Access Network

  • vegetables at a market with a map of  Carrol County

CCFAN Teams and Goals 2025 

2024 CCFAN Accomplishments

The Carroll County Food Access Network was established with support from UNH Extension to connect local and state agencies in addressing key food access challenges. These priority areas were identified through a comprehensive community food access needs assessment conducted in 2023.

To support the network’s efforts, UNH Extension partnered with NH Hunger Solutions to form a backbone team that facilitates collaboration. Additionally, working teams were created to focus on the identified priority areas.

Carroll County Food Access Needs Assessment

In 2022, UNH Extension received a Well Connected Communities grant to conduct an in-depth food access needs assessment. In partnership with the Carroll County Food Access Network and the Carsey School of Public Policy, this assessment compiled data from community and farmer/producer surveys, focus groups, and other county and state sources. The findings informed the creation of Priority Area Teams, which set goals and implement action steps to improve access to healthy, affordable food in Carroll County.

Carroll County Food Access Needs Assessment Final Report 


Mission Statement:

Carroll County Food Access Network is a resource to optimize access to affordable, nutritious, food for all people with efforts focused on supporting the local food system in Carroll County, New Hampshire.

CCFAN Administrative Team 
Ways to Connect

 Carroll County Food Access Facebook page 

 Email List

CCFAN Priority Area Teams

1. Increase nutritious/healthy food access to high-risk populations

Team Leader: Joy Gagnon

Older Adults: Renee Wheaton, Age Friendly Communities
  • Goal #1 - Increase older adult meal participation by 5% by January 2026 through networking and collaborations.
Youth (School meals)
  • Goal #2 - (Long Term Goal) Assist School Districts with School Meals Applications (free/reduced meals application) for families, and SNAP Outreach.
Youth (School Breakfast): Riona Corr, NH Hunger Solutions
  • Goal #3 - Increase School breakfast participation by 15% by the 2025/2026 school year.
Youth (Summer meals): Meredith Howe, NH Food Bank
  • Goal #4 - Expand Summer meal programs and delivery options by one location (in another school district) next summer.
Housing Insecure individuals: Way Station
  • Goal #5 - Assist agencies with reaching individuals experiencing homelessness to provide healthy meals/food in the areas they are living.
Individuals living with disabilities:
  • Goal #6 - Assist agencies with reaching individuals living with disabilities to ensure they have access to healthy meals/food.
2. Increase SNAP participation

​​​​Team Leader: Heidi Johnson, NH Food Bank (state lead)

  • Goal #1 - Form a SNAP Outreach Action Team of at least three people/agencies
  • Goal #2 - Connect and communicate with NH Food Bank SNAP Outreach Coordinator
  • Goal #3 - SNAP Outreach Action Team or SNAP Assistors will follow up with clients
  • Goal #4 - Identify Carroll County CHW and make a resource list to share with CCFAN and other agencies
3. Build Local Food System/Farmer Capacity

Team Leader: by Goal

WIC at Farmers Market: Leader Camie Wade WIC Director
  • Goal #1 - Assist WIC to connect 1-3 Farmers Markets (with 1-3 farmers at each connected market) in the county with “WIC at the Farmers Market” program. 
Mount Washington Valley Eaters and Growers (MWVeg)
  • Goal #2 - Distribute the MWVeg Farm Guide to all three farmers markets and share the digital version on (CCFAN) social media at least once per quarter.
  • Goal #3 - Establish a liaison between CCFAN and MWVeg Food For All Program.
Local food access to reduce food insecurity: Nadine SanAntonio
  • Goal #4 - Promote and maximize utilization of the NH Feeding NH program at all 6 food pantries, Gibson Center and Ossipee Concerned Citizens.
  • Goal #5 - Promote use of SNAP Incentives such as DUFB and GSMM at 10 events in 2025.
County Lands and Annex Use for food Access 
  • Goal #6 - (2nd Year of Project) Research the needs of the farmers and how to best use the county land, buildings, and equipment. 
Emergency Food Access

Team Leader: TBD

Keep in Touch Food Pantry Network
  • Goal #1 - Establish a food pantry network that includes representatives from each Carroll County Food Pantry. 
Leah’s Pantry Nutrition Pantry Program
  • Goal #2 - Initiate the Nutrition Pantry Program in at least one food pantry in Carroll County 
NH Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry
  • Goal #3 - Promote and report on Mobile Food Pantry - NH Food Bank
Other Innovative Efforts
  • Goal #4 - Promote and Report on other innovative programs for emergency food access
5. Infrastructure for Food Access - Transportation and Economic Development

Team Leader: Catalina Kirsch, C3PH

  • Goal #1 - Establish a liaison between the Regional Coordination Council for Transportation and CCFAN. 
Economic Improvements
  • Goal #2 - Establish a liaison between CCFAN and Municipalities through economic development councils and planning commissions.

Food Insecurity in Carroll County


Nutrition Connections Teacher
Health & Well-Being Teacher
Phone: (603) 447-3834
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824