Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire, last published in 2010, is being revised. This guide provides landowners and the professionals who work with them practical recommendations and information on a wide variety of forest resources. By revising Good Forestry, we hope to incorporate advances in knowledge and changes in forestry markets, practices and laws.
A steering committee representing landowners, conservation organizations, state agencies and the forest industry is guiding the process. Technical teams of stakeholders and subject matter experts will review and write the updates.
For more information contact Karen Bennett at with questions or suggestions.

Haley Andreozzi, UNH Cooperative Extension
Karen Bennett, Project manager
Kelly Boland, N.H. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Roger Boyer, U.S. Forest Service – White Mountain National Forest
Jake Bronnenberg, N.H. Timber Harvesting Council
Steve Eisenhaure, Granite State Division, Society of American Foresters
Julie Renaud Evans, Northern Forest Center
Kevin Evans, Dartmouth College
Will Guinn, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Patrick Hackley, N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
Matt Kelly, UNH Cooperative Extension
Jeff Lougee, The Nature Conservancy
Malcom Milne, Durgin and Crowell Lumber Co., Inc.
Beth McGuinn, N.H. Land Trust Coalition
Charlie Niebling, N.H. Tree Farm Program
Jim Oehler, N.H. Fish and Game
Colleen O’Neill, Langwood Tree Farm
Dave Publicover, Appalachian Mountain Club
Mark Rabon, Weyerhaeuser
Barbara Richter, N.H. Association of Conservation Commissions
Steve Roberge, UNH Cooperative Extension
Sabrina Stanwood, Natural Heritage Bureau
Jasen Stock, N.H. Timberland Owner Association
Jeremy Turner, Meadowsend Consulting Company
Wendy Weisiger, Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forest
Mariko Yamasaki, U.S. Forest Service – Northern Research Station, retired
Brian Young, N.H. Dept. of Environmental Services
Getting Started
- Mike Gagnon—UNH Cooperative Extension, chair
- Julie Renaud Evans—Northern Forest Center and steering committee
- Susan Francher—N.H. Division of Forests & Lands, retired
- Beth McGuinn— N.H. Land Trust Coalition and steering committee
- Greg Jordan—UNH Cooperative Extension, chair
- Ken Desmarais—Forest Biometrician, N.H. Division of Forests & Lands
- Mark Ducey—University of New Hampshire
- Laura French—Meadowsend Consulting Company
- Charlie Moreno—Moreno Forestry Associates
- Scott Rolfe, N.H. Division of Forests & Lands
Timber Harvesting
- Andy Fast—UNH Cooperative Extension, chair
- Ray Berthiaume—UNH Cooperative Extension
- Jake Bronnenberg—N.H. Timber Harvesting Council and steering committee
- Jasen Stock—N.H. Timberland Owners Association and steering committee
- Wendy Weisiger—Society for the Protection of NH Forests and steering committee
Water Resources
- John Magee—N.H. Fish & Game, chair
- Nate Blanchard—N.H. Division of Forests & Lands
- Sam Taylor—Manchester Water Works
- Brian Young—N.H. Dept. of Environmental Services and steering committee
Forest Health
- Dode Gladders—UNH Cooperative Extension, chair
- Doug Cygan—N.H. Dept. of Agricultural
- Kyle Lombard—N.H. Division of Forests and Lands
- Isabel Munck—U.S. Forest Service
- Piera Siegert—N.H. Dept. of Agricultural
- Jeff Snitkin—Full Circle Forestry, LLC
- Steve Roberge, UNH Cooperative Extension and steering committee, chair
- Jake Debow, N.H. Fish & Game
- Carol Foss, N.H. Audubon
- Ellen Snyder, Ibis Wildlife Consulting
- Matt Tarr, UNH Cooperative Extension
- Mariko Yamasaki, U.S. Forest Service–Northern Research Station, retired, and steering committee
Sensitive Areas
- Kelly Boland, N.H. Natural Resources Conservation Service and steering committee, chair
- Pete Bowman, N.H. Natural Heritage Bureau
- Joanne Glode, TNC
- Heidi Holman, N.H. Fish & Game
- Jeff Painter, N.H. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Climate and Carbon (new section)
- Matt Kelly—UNH Cooperative Extension and steering committee, chair
- Kevin Evans—Dartmouth Grant and steering committee
- Coeli Hoover, U.S. Forest Service - Northern Research Station
- Jeff Lougee—TNC and steering committee
- Maggie Machinist, N. H. Division of Forests & Lands
- Dave Publicover—AMC and steering committee
- Mark Zankel, ReVision Energy
Recreation (new section)
- Karen Bennett, Good Forestry project manager, chair
- Phil Bryce, N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation, retired
- Ron Klemarczyk, FORECO
- Mark Rabon, Weyerhaeuser and steering committee
- Jasen Stock—N.H. Timberland Owners Association and steering committee
Oversight for this project provided by the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands and UNH Cooperative Extension. Partial funding provided by the U.S. Forest Service.