Participatory Science

  • people on the beach

Engaging Community

Participatory science can go by many names -- citizen science, community science, volunteer research -- any effort that involves members of the public collaborating with professional researchers to investigate the world. Public participants can be involved in many ways, including by contributing observations, collaborating on research design, and co-creating research projects.


Catherine Coverdale (’21, ’23G) is the state’s Pollinator Conservation and IPM Specialist with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. She a... Learn More
Volunteers help record species for New Hampshire towns
A BioBlitz is a species scavenger hunt where volunteers help find and record data on as many different wild living things as possible in a certain are... Learn More
The Coastal Research Volunteers team was out in the field this July helping the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program mon... Learn More

Citizen & Community Science: Designing Projects for Research & Engagement 

The 36-hour noncredit course "Citizen & Community Science: Designing Projects for Research and Engagement" offers participants a deep understanding of the purpose and promise of citizen and community science, also called participatory science.  LEARN MORE

group of people at NH pond