Letter from leadership

Vice Provost Ken La Valley

There is a spirit in New Hampshire of innovation. One only need look to the state’s trademark granite, formed deep beneath the Earth’s crust over millions of years, for an example. Innovation requires vision — it means looking at a rock and knowing that it can be so much more. Once polished and cut, it becomes countertops and fireplaces, benches and monuments.

Here at UNH Cooperative Extension we are forward-thinking. We anticipate challenges and formulate solutions. In this issue of Radius, you will read about ways that our staff are supporting entrepreneurs by creating new collaborative makerspaces and networking opportunities.

You’ll hear how our agriculture and horticulture staff are helping growers utilize real-time weather data and emerging technology to better inform crop decisions and manage plant diseases.

From launching an online apparel store to starting a gardening podcast, we’re implementing new ways of sharing information.

Innovation takes risk and requires patience. But, like granite, the people of New Hampshire are durable. We have weathered a pandemic and have come out stronger.

We’re dreaming big and are excited to share with you how UNH Extension continues to bring trusted knowledge and practical education to every county of our beloved state.

Ken La Valley signature

Kenneth J. La Valley
Vice Provost, University Outreach and Engagement
Director, UNH Cooperative Extension